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Daniel woke up screaming, he had seen horrifying things, things that shook him, and terrified him to his very core. But he knew what to do, he had seen a young girl, she looked like she was in distress in this location. His mother rushed into the room, but he just stared at her, ran out of the lounge into the hall, grabbed his coat, and ran out of the house. He bolted down the street, and down many others, until he got to the one he was looking for. Picket lane, an old, windy road full of potholes as the council neglected it, it had no use anyway, terminating in a random spot in the mountains, it wasnt even pretty, but it was was exactly where he was going. 'Daniel!' It was his mother, wheezing heavily as she had followed him at such a speed. 'Come back and eat, you shouldn't run off, you are just 14...' Reluctantly, he turned back, making a mental note to continue his journey as soon as he could, which was that same night.

By nightfall, he was ready, armed with a penknife, and his late father's shotgun, a Mossberg 590A1, brought back from his time in the army, just a mere month before he was blown up with a landmine during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, 9 years ago now... He somewhat liked to be over prepared, so, with some spare bullets, he made his way back to picket lane, and started up the road. He didn't know how long he would walk for, so he grabbed a load of food. And about 5 minutes in, he had already felt hungry. He sat down to eat, he felt extremely foolish just stopping to sit down, he felt over-exposed, so he kept an eye out for anything suspicious. 

Tap tap tap. 

Daniel froze, he dropped his food with a clatter, his eyes darted around to nearby trees, bushes, mounds, logs, anything that could conceal someone or something... he believed that the noise came from a nearby tree, terrified, Daniel made his way towards a nearby bush, opposite from where the noise hed come from. leaving his food behind, but grabbing the shotgun, he concealed himself as quietly as he could, in the thick tangle of branches and leaves.

Tap tap tap. 

The noise came again, Daniel held his breath, he hoped that he would not be noticed. A dark figure emerged, with tangled black fur, jagged teeth, dripping with blood, Evil red eyes, and a permanent snarl etched into it's face. It looked around, sniffing the air, almose as if it knew where he was. it let out a blood-curdling screech, and started to walk towards where Daniel was... He squeezed his eyes tightly shut, and prayed that whatever was going to happen to him happened quickly. He could smell the creatures breath, it was meaty and rancid, presumably human flesh...


 A rabbit had broken a twig nearby, the creature looked up wit curiosity, and instantly sped the innocent animal, it incentivley gave chase. The rabbit made it's way into a thick wood, just a few meters from the road, the creature following close behind, it was fast, so caught up quickly. It grabbed the rabbit with ease, and consumed the helpless animal, wiping the blood off of it's mouth. It turned and made it's way further into the woods, forgetting about the bush and Daniel. 'What the hell is a creature like that doing on earth?' Daniel thought, terrified that it would come back at any moment.

Carefully and quietly, he emerged from the bush, leaves in his hair and clothes, he set off back down the road, making sure to listen for that... thing. Many minutes passed by, until he realised that he had left his food behind, he decided it would be best to just leave it behind, he had a few things on him still, and he wasn't going to take any chances. A cool breeze floated down from the tips of nearby mountains, making him wish that he had grabbed a blanket, or at least a warmer coat.

Finally, after walking for ages, he set his eyes on what he was looking for all this time... the place that many people went insane, the place that the girl was, the place... that... seemed to be drawing him closer... Sandy falls Mental Institution, an old, gothic style mental Asylum that had shut down at least 30 years ago. His visions in the dark void had given him this knowledge, it seemed impossible... It started to rain, cold drops of water splashed onto his face, it quickly got worse, turning into a torrential downpour, soaking his clothes. Quickly, he made his way towards the entrance. and tried the doorhandle... Locked... He mustered up all of his strength and attemnpted to kick down the door.

And with a loud SNAP, and a resounding CRASH... He was in...

INSANITY - A psychological thrillerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon