"Duskfang says we can go out now," he announced, puffing up his chest so he looked even bigger than Hawkpaw. "Are you ready for your first day out."


Hawkpaw glanced at her softly feathered wings; it was finally time to use them. She whirled around again when Frostwing let out a snarl.

He fanned out his wings, and grinned with all his teeth. "I think you mean, yes Master."

The colours of the snowy forest in the midday light made Hawkpaw's eyes grow round. So far, the two cats had traveled on foot, taking a long journey along the border of the territory that was shared with other clans. They had seen no glimpse of CometClan, but Hawkpaw had finally seen her first glimpse of AquaClan.

They had been far off, so she hadn't actually talked with any of them. She had seen two cats diving up and down in a stream. Frostwing had told her they were fishing. Hawkpaw had watched in awe as she stared at their thick pelts, long fish-like tails, and brightly coloured bits of fur.

Now, Frostwing was taken Hawkpaw to someplace known as the 'Training Clearing,' where she would finally learn how to use her wings. Hawkpaw couldn't help but be excited at the thought of flying in the air. It sounded kind of awesome.

Frostwing hadn't spoken much on their journey. Hawkpaw thought he seemed deep in thought about something else. Thankfully, that meant she could slide a few paces behind him, and not have to deal with his irksome superiority complex.

No wonder Icepaw turned out a bit... interesting. Hawkpaw couldn't imagine being raised by this cat. It frankly sounded quite horrifying. Though apparently she was stuck following his every command until he thought she was ready to be a full warrior.

"And we have arrived."

Hawkpaw wanted to bury her muzzle into the ground whenever Frostwing spoke in that snooty, uptight voice to her. He always acted as though she was a complete and utter mousebrained.

"Hawkpaw!" Hawkpaw whirled around to see four other cats pushing their way out of the undergrowth from behind her. The cat who had just spoken was Coalpaw.

He whirled around to face a dark bluish grey tom who Hawkpaw remembered as Moonflight. Snowpaw and Roseflight were right behind. Why do these cats have names so strange and yet also sometimes so close to each other? It was confusing for Hawkpaw to remember the names of all the cats, especially ones that had similar suffixes like 'flight,' and such.

Coalpaw spoke to Moonflight in a hushed whisper. "I thought you said I was just training with Snowpaw," he growled. "Not the ugly rogue."

Hawkpaw suppressed a wince, guessing that that comment hadn't been for her ears. It was strange how a cat like Smokepaw could be so kind and upbeat, while her brother could be the exact opposite; cynical and cold. Hawkpaw tried to remember what had happened to his mother, but the more Coalpaw snapped at her, the less and less forgiving she became.

"Be kind," Moonflight murmered softly to his apprentice. "That'll get you much further in the end."

"Hah! That's good coming from you." Hawkpaw jumped when she heard Frostwing's cold voice right above her. "Nobody will ever forget how friendly you got with that CometClan she-cat."

Moonflight winced but said nothing. He stared down at his apprentice, who was still glowering at Hawkpaw with unsuppressed rage. Find something else to do, will you?

"I think the two of us better go train on our own," Roseflight meowed to Snowpaw, eyeing the enraged cats uneasily. "Er, if that's alright with you, Frostwing?"

Gaining Height - WARRIOR CATSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora