Chapter 96 The baby is born!

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Qin Chu felt that his son must not have heard what he said.

This kid not only tormented Lu Tong, but tossed him to death.

After Lu Tong dropped out of school, he stayed at home and farted. It was also during these few months that he learned a skill full of maternal brilliance: knitting sweaters.

Qin Shiwu, a bastard, already owned countless little sweaters before he was born.

Qin Chu didn't have one yet, and Lu Tong had a lot of complaints about the big one. The reason Lu Tong gave was simple: it was too big to weave.

He was brooding over this matter until the day Qin Shiwu was born.

When this little boy was born, it was the same as the day he traveled to sixteen years ago, amidst the chaos.

Qin Chu was taking an exam in another place, and it was almost too late to make it back.

By the time he reached the entrance of the hospital, Qin Shiwu had already fallen to the ground.

Qin Chu swallowed, his legs trembling as he ran, an old man in a wheelchair next to him saw him, thought he was suffering from a hidden disease, and offered to give him the wheelchair.

Seeing Qin Chu coming, Lin Siyin quickly pulled him to Lu Tong's bedside.

Before Qin Chu came to see his son, he first looked at Lu Tong. Lu Tong was lying on the bed, his face pale, and those who didn't know thought he was dead. Qin Chu was frightened to death, and tearfully called Lu Tong's name, and finally moved Lu Tong. Qin Chu saw Lu Tong's mouth move slightly, and he quickly lowered his head to listen.

"What should I say at this time, it should be my husband, I miss you so much." Qin Chu thought about it, and felt that the scene was very warm, and he was a little proud, after all, he already had a "beautiful wife" and a son at the age of nineteen. .

But he didn't have time to come back, will Lu Tong be angry?

Thinking of this, Qin Chu was a little scared again.

Lu Tong was next to his ear, and tried his best to speak: "Can you stop shouting, it's killing me, let me sleep for a while."

Qin Chu: ...

After his wife finished speaking, she poked a warning on his palm, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

Only then did Qin Chu think of coming to see Qin Shiwu.

The first time I saw Qin Shiwu, I was shocked.

Qin Heng is a grandfather, so he likes this child so much, he is very reluctant to give Qin Shiwu a hug, but the child's father saw it with his own eyes: "It's so ugly... Damn it!"

Qin Chu was punched by Qin Heng.

"Why beat me up. I'll take a look at my son." Qin Chu was dissatisfied, he held Qin Shiwu in front of his eyes with both hands, looked left and right, but couldn't see anything good-looking. Red and wrinkled, Qin Chu carefully hugged him, noticing Qin Shiwu's weak trembling in his arms, he said, "Son, you did not have the wrong birth, did you find the right mother?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qin Heng slapped Qin Chu again.

He wanted to hug his grandson, but Qin Chu was not happy: "I am his father, can I hug him a little longer?"

Qin Chu hugged Qin Shiwu and did not let go, feeling quite miraculous in his heart. Although he knew that Qin Shiwu was his son, he had never seen his son so small, and it was only at this time that Qin Chu suddenly felt a little bit like a father.

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