Chapter 50: Awkward Moment of Truth

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The sound of car doors slamming shut startled me awake. I frowned, sitting up and noticing the front and middle seats were empty. I sat up a bit more before looking beside me to Auric raising an eyebrow before he muttered, "Good morning..."

I smiled a bit, yawning behind my hand and then frowned at the scowl my boyfriend was giving me. "What's that look for?" I asked, eyeing him.

Auric raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact as he gestured to his shoulder. "You drooled on me."

A rush of heat filled my face and I scoffed that I did no such thing. I glanced at the shoulder he pointed out and then back at him. Again, I said I didn't.

"Well, you do," Auric said as a matter of fact. He sighed, shrugging a shoulder that it was something he was just going to have to get used to. "Not all of us can be perfect, you know?"

He glanced my way, smirking and I narrowed my eyes at him.

The smirk fell, his gray eyes looking out the back window where I turned to. Everyone was gathering near the entrance of the pack grounds, the alphas speaking with Aunt Penny who kept glancing in our direction. Her face was a little red, but I think that might be because of the few naked men and women surrounding them.

"I think your aunt knows..." Auric mutters, making me frown at him.

"About us?"

Auric rolled his eyes, lip curling my way. "Obviously."

I nudged him, scolding him to not be mean and he argued that he wasn't if I was a little slow on purpose. "Don't call me stupid, Auric!" I scolded again, pinching his side.

He growled at me, waving my hand away from him. Auric said that he didn't call me stupid. I argued that it was implied and Auric shrugged a shoulder that he couldn't argue with that.

"Such a Were Jerk..." I huffed through a whisper.

"Naturally," Auric replies with a dead panned look. He faced out the back window, his eyebrows furrowed as he told me again that he thinks my aunt might know about us. When I asked what made him think this, Auric nods out the window that he'd caught my aunt eyeing the close proximity between us whenever hanging around. Especially back at the Society.

Auric is still looking out the window when he raises an eyebrow and says, "And because she asked me a few minutes ago."

My head snapped his way, bug-eyed, and Auric just kept scowling out the window. So nonchalant.

"She asked you?!" I squeaked, shoving him. He glanced at where I shoved him, giving me a look before nodding at me. "You couldn't say that to begin with?!"

Auric shrugged, saying it wouldn't have been as dramatic as it was now. He ignored the scowl I was giving him. I swear this boy lives to irritate me!

A bunch of nerves gathered in my belly. Biting my lip, I sunk in my seat, peering over the backseat at the group outside. My aunt noticed this, doing a double take and she narrowed her eyes at me while replying to something Mr. Dennison was saying. I sank even lower, turning away and whispered harshly at my boyfriend that if he was the stupid one to tell my aunt about us!

Auric's eyebrows furrowed, looking at me sunk so low in the backseat. "Why are you whispering?"

Ignoring his question, I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and covering my face. I muttered that my aunt was going to kill me for keeping this from her. Auric muttered that was a little dramatic—even for me. I shot him a look between the spaces of my fingers and the Were Jerk was unfazed. He shrugged that it wasn't a big deal. That we had agreed on letting her know anyway.

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