Chapter 9 - Fall of Trost

Start from the beginning


"Y/N! Y/N! What are you doing we have to go!" Annies voice yelled snapping me back to reality. 

"S-Sorry was just. . . Daydreaming." My voice was shaky and my head throbbed uncontrollably.

"This isn't the time to be daydreaming, I got to go, don't die on me. Ok?" Annie sounded worried.

"I promise." I gave her a tight hug before heading off to my squad. 'What the hell, was that a dream. I must be losing it.' I saw the rest of my squad lining up as we headed off towards the front lines. 

We arrived standing on top of one of the many roofs awaiting orders from the vanguard. 

"We're all gonna die." A voice whispered off to my left. 

"Why did this have to happen today! One more night and I would've been in the garrison!" Someone screamed slamming his hand onto the roof. Looking around my whole squad of six people were terrified, they were overwhelmed with fear, regret, and terror.

"Suck it up assholes!" I screamed at the whimpering cadets. "We didn't train this long for you guys to wuss out! If you're going to be here at least stay calm and collected!" I glared at them.

"Easy for you to say! You got number five in the cadets of course you aren't scared!" They yelled back tears brimming in their eyes. 

"You think I'm not scared!?" I grabbed him by the collar and  pulled him up. "We have to fight off giant monsters that if we even make one mistake could eat us in a second. I'm just as terrified as you. But I'm going to be calm and not let my nerves control me. Because that's what soldiers do and that's how we win battles." I said releasing the man and turning around. 'Shit!' I jumped up with the aid of my gas as a titan flew under me crashing into the building behind me. Acting out of instinct I spun in the air aiming my anchor at the titans nape and flying towards it. The titan however swung around and I dropped my anchor before it could grab it. 'How do I get around this guy? 

The titan ran at me again arms out stretched ready to eat me, 'Ok, just like Annie taught me, diversion and then attack.' I anchored into its head and zipped towards it, noticing my anchor it brought both hands up to its face to rip it out, but before I let it do that I pulled the anchor back reanchoring to a building and swinging around behind it, realizing it was wide open I shot towards its nape and flew into the beast dragging my swords through the titans flesh rendering it lifeless its body dropped to the ground. 'I did it! I actually killed one!

"Squad 22! Nice work! Go reinforce the vanguard!" A garrison yelled. Looking back the rest of my squad seemed more reinvigorated after watching me kill that titan. 

"You heard the man!" I yelled while flying towards the front lines. Making sure I looked around every corner and every building to spot one while I was going. Reaching the front lines I saw the mass of titans coming this way and the vanguard completely wiped out. Looking behind me I saw the rest of my squad arriving.

"Split up into groups of two! One for diversion and one to finish it!" I ordered them. Immediately they split up and one person was left by themselves. "You're with me." I told the girl. 'I don't know if she can handle the diversion so I'll do it.

"O-Ok." She seemed panicked her eyes were flying around making sure nothing would come behind us. 

"I'll handle the diversions, just go in to finish it when I'm done ok?" I asked. She nodded her head affirmatively. "There's a 15 meter coming this way lets go!" I anchored off the roof flying towards it. Looking behind me she was following and I went in for the diversion to get everything started. 

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