"First time seeing a monkey." The teen confirms with a nod, her lips are contorted into a wide smile as her eyes flicker to and fro from the monkeys.

The excitement is short lived, however, as soon, we notice more and more firefly symbols were painted amongst the walls and signs within the campus grounds. But still, no people, nothing, zilch. I can't help but have a bad feeling about this.

"Where is everybody?" I can't help but ask nervously, we'd been on our own for far too long now it seemed.

"Hellooooo! Cure for mankind over here!" Ellie calls out which immediately myself and Joel shush her. Surely by now we should've seen a firefly, Tommy did say this was the right place but I was having my doubts.

At last, we'd located the science building and had safely tied up the horses outside. The hard part was finding a way in, which we eventually did find too,

"How do you think they'll do it?" Ellie asks randomly, although I'm not too sure what she's referring to. Joel turns back around to look at the pair of us - he'd been looking around for some sort of clue to where the fireflies would be.

"Do what?" I ask, cocking my head a little at the teen. She shuffles on her feet a little, looking around at the barren entrance foyer before turning back to me.

"...Get the cure from me." She reiterates, "Do you think it'll hurt?" I pause in my step and I notice Joel do the same, I'm not entirely sure how to answer that and I'm certain that he doesn't either. I can't remember learning much about vaccines in biology during school and better yet I was only thirteen when I last studied so whatever knowledge I did have was long gone by now.

"I'm not sure, sweetie, though I can't imagine it would hurt that badly. Perhaps like the prick of a needle during a blood test." I trail off, not before long realising what I'd just called her. It was clear as day that this little girl was growing on me hugely and I just wanted to ease her nerves at whatever cost.

"Hmpf." She mutters, before stalking off and finding Joel.

"Got anything useful?" I ask him as he flicks through what seems to be a load of old files,

"Ain't nothing but a bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo." He replies, rolling his eyes at the lack of information.

"Looks like they just packed up and left." I say, looking around again at all the mess left behind. Everything was in disarray. At that, a loud crash sounds from above us which has all snap our heads upwards at the intrusion. I visibly jump at the noise, then feeling Joel place his hand on my shoulder gently which immediately calm my nerves.

"Maybe not all of them?" Ellie shrugs.

"You guys go check it out, I'm gonna stay and see if I can find anything useful. Yell if you need me." I feel as though in a situation like this, it's best to split up and cover more ground. Besides, this place is fucking huge and would take forever to look around the entire thing.

Joel throws me a concerned look, his eyebrows creasing as he frowns at me, "You sure?" I nod, shooing them away as they cautiously make their way to the second floor.

So far, all is quiet as I rummage through more and more files and loose papers. My luck must be wearing thin because so far I've found jackshit.

"C'mon." I mumble to myself, it's clear to me that this place was a bust but I'd of hoped that there was at least something to indicate where they left to. And it was as if my prayers were answered, because at the bottom of this stack of papers was a map. Salt Lake City was circled aggressively in red coloured ink and within that circle was the main hospital underlined, I could've punched the air in excitement at that. I'd finally found something.

But just as I was about to call to the others, a loud commotion sounds, even louder than the previous one. Gunshots follow which ceases my movement and it's like my limbs stiffen, I'm frozen.


I hear what sounds like Ellie scream. A scream so guttural, I'm practically shaking with worry as I rush to the floor above myself. My legs nearly give way at the speed and urgency I'm running in, I'm trying to get there as soon as possible.

"Ellie!?" My voice cracks. My eyes immediately drift to the broken railing which has my heart sinking and stomach churning, surely not...

I sprint to the edge to get a better look, hoping that my thoughts were incorrect but what I see below me has my head spinning. No. No. No.

"What do you want me to do?" Ellie's panicked voice cuts me from my revery and I'm suddenly reminded of the severity of the situation, a metal fucking rod is protruding directly through Joel's stomach which has me feeling nauseous. Blood, there's so much fucking blood and all I can do is watch as Ellie is moving around him frantically. Tears are practically streaming down my cheeks at this point but It's like I'm frozen again, unable to move and all I can think about is Joel dying.

My lips involuntarily part as Joel is quickly pulled from the rod, that slick sound of blood moving along the metal has me retching and quickly I'm doubled over and vomiting the little food I'd eaten that day. Did I mention that I'm squeamish around blood?

"Get a grip of yourself, Emily!" I say to myself, wiping my lips and immediately stumbling to my feet, but what catches my eye is the movement from the doorway below me - hunters. Leaning over the railing, I spring back into action and cock my gun quickly. Pulling the trigger multiple times, I watch as their bodies go limp, "Fuck!"

"Emily, we gotta go!"

I only pray that Joel is okay, I can't do this without him.

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