Chapter 8

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"What? A Lawsuit?" I gasped

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"What? A Lawsuit?" I gasped. After Doctor Kai told me that Doctor Park wanted to talk to me, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to tell him that my job was done and I wanted to leave. But to my disappointment, he didn't call me for that. I looked at the lawyer in Doctor Park's office sitting on the couch while Doctor Park and I sat across from him.

"Against who? Me?" I asked, pointing at myself, still trying to process the information given to me.

"Are you the one who collected the blood sample of the drunk driver yesterday?" Doctor Park asked me

"Yes, so?" I said

"Did you know you have offended the law by injuring him without taking consent to get blood collection from him?" the lawyer said, accusing me of taking the blood sample against the drunk driver's will.

"What are you talking about? I was given consent," I said, remembering that the drunk driver wanted to give his blood sample.

"Were you?" Doctor Park asked

"Yes", I replied

"She got consent," Doctor Park said to the lawyer as he shrugged as he also seemed to acknowledge there is no problem with that.

"Do you have a consent form?" The lawyer said. What? Is he serious? In a situation where six cars crashed together and more than ten patients, he thinks the first thing I will think about is for the patient to sign a paper of consent.

"It wasn't a situation where I could fill out a form, but he gave me his consent with his own words. He kept insisting on taking a blood test instead of using the breathing machine," I explained.

"He has no recollection of giving such consent," the lawyer said. He can't be serious. Am I seriously getting sued for taking a blood sample? It's not like I amputated his arm to get a blood sample. I just poked a small needle into his arm. I'm sure the drunk driver is still alive.

"I see", I scoffed as I started to feel my blood simmer. I walked out of the office and went to the emergency room, where Doctor Kang was talking to Miss Jeon.

"Miss Jeon, was there a patient who was drunk that was brought in. like extremely drunk," I ask, and she nods.

"Why? what's wrong?" Doctor Kang asked, tilting his head, but I ignored him. I don't have time to explain.

"Where is he?" I asked

"Room twenty-five," she said. I left the emergency room and went and searched for room twenty-five by following the signs around the hospital. I found the room and opened it to see the drunk driver wearing a patient outfit with neck support in the hospital bed, playing on his phone, acting as if he wasn't the cause of more than ten people being injured and causing death.

"Excuse me, sir, we need to talk," I said, approaching him.

"Darn it, I almost lost," he said, focusing on the game on his phone.

Dr. Kang Taehyun // TXT FF Book 2Where stories live. Discover now