"Oh, he is in surgery with Doctor Kang," Miss Jeon said

"Oh, I see. Okay, then I will go get ready, and I will be in the emergency room," I said and was about to leave, but Miss Jeon stopped me

"Miss Kim, go get some rest. You look exhausted," Miss Jeon said

"It's okay. I haven't done much. I will see you in the emergency room," I said and left for the staff room. I changed into my work outfit. I made my way to the emergency room and started to check up on the patients that already received treatment making sure that they were doing well.

"Nurse, my wife isn't breathing", I heard a voice call me. I looked and saw it was the elder couple from the accident earlier. I rushed towards them and saw the grandma unconscious.

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" I said, shaking her shoulder lightly, trying to see if she was conscious. I checked the pulse of his wife, who was on the bed. it was very weak and no breathing

"Arrest in bed five", I called out and got on top of the bed as I started to do chest compression "intubation and bring the monitor", I commanded one of the nurses, and he did it.

I did the compression for a few minutes. Come on, just one beat.... just one... I stared intensely at the monitor that was connected to her. But there was no sign of any heartbeat.

"bring the defibrillator immediately", I called out


I hear the husband say. However, I didn't stop.

"Please stop," he said louder, looking at me as tears filled his eyes. "We already decided not to do this, Nurse. We already signed the paper that we don't want CPR to be performed on us."

I immediately knew what papers he was talking about. Do Not Resuscitate Order. But I still didn't stop. I already saw enough dead bodies today. I didn't want to see another person die. They deserve to live.

"Sir", I panted, hoping he would change his mind. however, he just grabbed my hands into his making me stop

"You may stop, Nurse," the husband said, looking me in the eye. He was sincere about it. I got off the bed, and I looked at the wife who lay there lifeless. A constant beep went off from the monitor, indicating her death.

Another one.


"You have been through so much, honey," the husband said as he held her hand and ran his fingers lightly through her hair. "You have done so much as my partner in life."

I felt tears build up in my eyes, but I refused for it to spill out. I don't know what is going on with me today. This is probably the worst feeling I have ever felt in a long time—a time where I don't want to remember, and I don't want to go back to.

I pronounced the wife dead and walked out of the emergency room. That's when my tears fell on my cheek. I made my way to the staff room. However, I heard someone call out my name, and it was Doctor Kang. I quickly wiped away my tears before turning to him.

"Yes, Doctor Kang", I smiled. He was in his scrubs as he had just come out of the operation room. I looked into his eyes to see if he had vision loss, but it seemed to move perfectly as he could look at me directly in my eye.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yes", I replied immediately

"I saw what just happened in the emergency room. You don't look okay, Dal Hee," Doctor Kang said, calling me by my name sends warmth to my body. I don't know if I should like it or not.

"I should be", I replied, looking down "it's not. This is my first time. But I never get used to it."

"You did your best", he replied, "that what counts."

Dr. Kang Taehyun // TXT FF Book 2Where stories live. Discover now