Chapter 8

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As Fang Bai rushed to the school auditorium, the emcee's voice boomed over the speakers: 

"Next up, we have a piano piece performed by Ji Yuning, a student from Class 3, Year 2..."

Her heart racing from the sprint, Fang Bai's cheeks were flushed and a thin layer of sweat glistened on her temples. 

When she heard Ji Yuning's name, she breathed a sigh of relief and casually made her way to an empty seat.

She pulled out a tissue and dabbed the sweat from her face, feeling grateful for the cool air conditioning. 

As she wiped her face, the lights suddenly dimmed on stage, casting a hush over the audience.

Then, a beam of light illuminated the right side of the stage, signaling the start of the performance.

As the light illuminated the stage, a white piano adorned with golden decorations sparkled like stars. 

The auditorium, once bustling with noise, fell silent as a soft note rose from the piano.

All eyes were fixed on the figure in front of the piano, dressed in a straight and beautiful beige long dress. 

Her neatly tied braids were now scattered on her shoulders, lending a mature air to her young age.

Under the light, Ji Yuning's complexion appeared neither sickly nor frail as before, but rather a cold, pure, and holy radiance. 

Her chin was tense, and her jawline icy and aloof.

Those who knew Ji Yuning were stunned, unable to believe that the princess-like figure on stage was the same reticent and cold Ji Yuning they knew.

Ji Yuning's hands rested naturally on the keys, and her fingers moved like elves across the black and white keys. 

She had already memorized the sheet music and practiced the tricky parts that had tripped her up a few days ago.

For Ji Yuning, performing on stage was not a nerve-wracking experience. 

She felt like she was simply completing a task assigned to her by Teacher He. 

Once she finished playing the piano, the task was done.

As a result, the audience below only saw Ji Yuning exuding an air of haughty nobility, like an unattainable princess. 

Fang Bai also felt the same way as she looked at Ji Yuning, thinking to herself that she truly was the female protagonist. 

"Was this Ji Yuning's first display of her talents?"

"Maybe it is, since I saw a glimpse of her transformation from an ugly duckling to a graceful swan."

As Fang Bai pondered this, she saw Ji Yuning on stage lift her head in agreement with her thoughts, revealing a beautiful curve of her slender, white swan neck.

As the piece came to an end, thunderous applause rang out. 

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the audience, a pair of envious eyes glared at Ji Yuning from behind the heavy curtain.

After watching Ji Yuning's performance, Fang Bai lost interest in the following programs and kept her eyes on the stage with half-lidded eyes. 

After a couple more lackluster performances, Fang Bai grew bored and decided to leave the school.

She had hoped to speak with Ji Yuning, but couldn't find a good reason to approach her and ultimately gave up on the idea.

As Fang Bai made her way through the crowd, she overheard a conversation and stopped a student with a badge to ask a question. 

After Becoming  A Cannon Fodder, I Just Want To Survive GLOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz