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Pierre too much gas😀🖕🏻

CharlesI'm having some problems

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I'm having some problems

Pierre, with what?

Fuck I think I'm catching feelings

Who is the not so lucky gal?

Yeh that's the prob

What's the prob, you don't know her?
She's like super omg famous?

But I know her

Well, what's the problem then?

I'm kinda racing with her nex year?

Oh shit
You for real?

God I'm in deep shit now ain't I?

You kinda are
Well, of it makes you feel better
Half of the grid thinks she's hot

Ah yes thank you Charles
That makes me feel much better

I'm so good at that

Fuck what should I do?

Do you think she likes you?

Definitely not


She kinda hates dating
She's your ex help me please

That was 4 years ago
I don't know what happened in the mean time😑

Alright that's true🫠
Ask Char?

Charlotte won't tell me anything
I know that for sure


Because they are bestfriend maybe?!


They don't tell each others secrets to others
We would know that right?😫

A yes of course
How are you and Charlotte btw?

Good, could go better


Stop asking so many questions Gasky😂

I'm sorry I'm just curious Leclurc

I know
I just never see her
And when I ask to meet up she cancels last moment😶

Charlie gets stood up🤣

Shut your ass
Your crush won't even go on a date with ya

But admit, Maddy is hot as fuck

Can't say anything, I'm a taken man🫡

Just like you said,
Best friend don't spill each others secrets🤫


Just tell meeee

God,  alright she's not bad

No t bad?
She's the prettiest woman ever

As I said I'm a taken man
But she is really pretty

Got ya😉
Check her new insta story😩

Alright loverboy


Pierre too much gas🤢

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Pierre too much gas🤢

I'm taken.

Got ya😉

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