Won't be alone this Valentine ( The End )

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Alec sees Mags and gets worried instantly.. Mags' eyes are full of tears.. Alec tries to stop him but he pushes Alec away and runs away... Alec is asking him continuously what happened but he doesn't get any answer and his heart starts to pound in his chest in fear.

Izzy and Clary see that Camille was talking to Mags and after that Mags ran away.. she goes to Camille by pushing the drunken people away.

Izzy : What did you say to him?

Camille : To whom?

Clary : Don't act smart Camille, what did you say to Magnus?

Mia : Camille you are such a bitch, she called Mags with names and called him a gold digger and asked him to be a male prostitute!

Izzy and Clary's eyes widened in horror after hearing that.. How can someone be so mean to a pure soul? Izzy can't control her anger and punches Camille so hard in her face.. Camille holds her nose which starts to bleed.

Izzy : For once in life my brother is happy and you ruined their happiness, if anything happens between them because of you, I mean it, if anything then I will break every single bone in your body!

Clary : If you do prostitute work doesn't mean everyone is like you and you are a gold digger not him and the whole High school knows that very well so keep your dirty mind and eyes away from him!

Izzy : Mark my words Camille, I will break you into pieces if anything happens to my brothers' happiness!

Clary : C'mon Izzy, let's find Magnus, we will see her later!

Camille : Bitches!

Mags runs from there and walks where his legs take him.. he doesn't want to go home to his mother like that, all broken... He doesn't want to worry his mom.

Alec follows Mags without knowing what happened to him.. he is hell worried and he doesn't want to lose Mags.. not now, not ever.

Alec gets calls from Izzy and Izzy tells everything to Alec.. Alec closes his eyes in anger.. he wants to punch that bitch right then but his priority is Magnus right now..he needs to comfort his Mags..he can deal with Camille later but he also knows his sister..his sister must have taught some manners to that piece of shit.

Alec knows how sensitive Mags is.. he can imagine how hurt he must be right now.. Alec hangs up the call and follows Mags.. Mags goes to that park he saw earlier and sits on a bench.

Mags is still crying.. Camille's words are echoing in his head.. he knows he isn't that person but how could someone think this low of him? It's hurting and his heart is shattered into a million pieces.

Alec sits beside Mags without saying anything.. Mags can feel Alec's presence but he isn't in any condition.. he doesn't want to see him this way.. he is afraid now.. he doesn't want to raise his hopes.. he knows he has true feelings for Alec .. not because of his money but because of his pure heart and simplicity.

Alec : There are mean people around us Mags, we can't run away every time!

Mags : Please leave!

Alec : I won't, I'm not here to leave you, I'm here for you, for myself, I can't see you like this, Magnus, my heart is aching with you too!

Mags : Why? I'm not any special and you don't know me that long, how can you trust me? What if I'm truly a gold digger and taking advantage of your money and status?

Mags asks and Alec can feel that pain in his voice.. his heart is aching.. he pulls Mags into his arms and hugs tightly.

Alec : You aren't cheap Magnus, that bitch is cheap who doesn't know anything about you, I know you and I trust you, you would never break anyone's heart or trust, you can hurt yourself but you can never hurt anyone else, you are pure Magnus so pure!

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