Will You Be My Valentine?

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Magnus POV :

Magnus Bane clears his highschool and enters the NYU, he becomes famous instantly, his fashion sense and personality attracts almost everyone, lot's of boys and girls are crushing on him and the best thing is he's proudly bisexual and he never fears accepting his sexuality.

Magnus is good in studies, sports and extracurricular activities, his charm even attracts professors in university, lots of people propose him even if some professor asks him out but he isn't interested in any of them.


Because his eyes land on a very beautiful boy who is always busy in studies or in his own world, Alexander Lightwood, a boy who stole Magnus' heart and takes Mags' breath away with an angelic smile on his face.

Lots of people are crushing on him and he is crushing on Alexander, only his best friend Cat knows that, he is glad that someone is there to listen to him about his crush, sometimes he annoys Cat with praising Alexander a lot.

Magnus and Alec sometimes look at each other and smile briefly and it sends butterflies to Mags' stomach, he can't control himself from dancing inside like a wild cat and he grins to himself.

Magnus never craves for anyone's attention but he's dying to get noticed by his crush Alexander but he knows this dream of his will never come true until Alec is with his girlfriend, a blonde hair, beautiful pale skin and blue eye girl Lydia, Mags is upset and doesn't want to date anyone else except Alexander.

Alec POV : 

Alexander Gideon Lightwood is just a shy intelligent boy who speaks less and acts more, he completes his high school and enters in NYU, he's as straight gay as bamboo, he came out on his 18th birthday to his family, his siblings and mother embraced him for who he is but his dad isn't that happy not against it, maybe he's trying to accept his son the way he is.

Alec is relieved to come out to his family and then again his best friend Lydia who has supported him in all kind of situation, Lydia loves Alec as best friend and more than best friend too, she proposed him when they're just 16 but seeing his best friend hurt Alec opened up to her and Lydia loved Alec more for always being an honest friend to her.

Lydia was the first to know about Alec's sexuality and after that Lydia tried to set up Alec with lot's of boys but Alec wasn't ready so Lydia respected that and always supported him but the way their friendship is if anyone will see it, they will definitely call them a couple.

After Alec come out and enters the NYU, his only goal is study and he doesn't know anything about dating so he doesn't know whether he wants to date anyone or not but his whole world turns upside down when his eyes land on the most hot boy of the university, no not only of University but hottest boy in this entire world his eyes have ever seen.

Alec has a crush on Magnus Bane but seeing him all dressed up always and in elegant attire, Alec always loses his breath, he knows that Magnus is single but there isn't any way where he will approach Alec, a boring shy boy who can't even utter a word in front of Magnus.

Magnus smiles at him many times but maybe just because Magnus is nice to everyone, Magnus is good in everything and Alec has heard about his past relationship in High school so he will never think that a person like Magnus can date him.

Alec always feels like stupid to have crush on someone who is out of his reach but he can't control his feelings even he can't control the smile appears on his face only thinking about Magnus, only his best friend knows about his crush which she found out by her intelligence, Alec never told anything about his crush.

Alec's heart aches thinking about Magnus that he can't have him even Alec hasn't courage to talk to him either but he can't control himself thinking about him everyday or every moment of his life and if Alec is being honest than he doesn't want to think of anyone else except Magnus Bane, a robber of his heart.

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