the Peters Reservation

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      The following night, you and your parents took their old van to the upscale restaurant Evan gave you the name of. You guys were 3 minutes away and your mother was still excitedly fussing over her clothes, fixing up her hair and overuse of blush. Before you could leave the house, you and your father sat on the couch while she put on a mini fashion show, asking which of her 4 outfit options would be best to meet 'your famous boyfriend.'

   "I haven't met anyone famous since David Spade in the 90's!" she'd proclaimed. You and your dad complimented each of her outfits rather un-enthusiastically; she looked great in anything and you two just wanted to go.

You all pulled up to a ritzy seafood restaurant called Providence. Once again, you were feeling very out of place, but to your parents, you were meeting 'your love', so you faked confidence. You texted Evan and told him you all were here, and he told you to tell the hostess that you're with the Peters Reservation. You did so, which seemed to impress your parents, and the three of you weaved through tables to follow a young girl carrying menus to the back of the restaurant. Lightbulbs in glass spheres hung here-and-there from the ceiling to provide a dim glow, clothed chairs and a few accents around the room were a navy blue that paired well with the with the shoulder-high, dark oak wood of the walls. Above that, the walls were a dusty yellow that reminded you of an old Italian restaurant.

You and Evan spotted each other at the same time, and he rose quickly from his seat. Now having so much practice, you were able to hide your expression, but you had to admit.. he looked pretty damn good. He had on a basic black suit, all unbuttoned of course, and balanced the formal outfit with untouched, un-styled hair. It looked like he'd just swept it slightly out of his face, but that was all; and you liked it like that. You tried not to feel self-conscious as his eyes scanned you up and down, his lips parting slightly. You wore a slightly iridescent knee-length black dress that exposed your back and shoulders, a dainty silver necklace, and of course, his bracelet. Your mother's excited whispers could be heard behind you, followed by your father respectfully shushing her.

You finally reached Evan and he pulled you to him in a tight hug immediately, swaying you guys a little bit to make it seem more authentic. Your mom awwed behind you.

   He held you out at arms' length a moment later, looking you up and down again, "You look stunning."

   "Thanks," you spoke shyly. "So do you." You meant it.

He turned to your parents and greeted them perfectly politely, learning their names and shaking your father's hand just like a gentlemen. He even pulled your chair out for you as your father did for your mother. She wiggled her eyebrows proudly at you as the two men took their own seats. She and Evan small-talked pleasantly as you and your father looked over the menu... what the hell was half this stuff? Unfamiliar options and words like 'farfalle al nero de deppia' and 'tuber melanosporum' jumped out at you.

   You looked at Evan nervously when the waiter came over. "Hello every body, my name is Lucas and I'll be your server tonight. Anyone ready to order? We doing appetizers, drinks?"

   "I think I'm ready," your father announced.

   "Alright, no appetizers," Evan told the waiter, setting his menu down then turning his attention back to you and your family. "Dinner's on me tonight, order whatever you'd like."

   "How sweet of you!" your mother squirmed happily in her chair. Your father nodded at him in approval; he was kind enough but definitely a man of few words.

   "You know what you want?" Evan whispered only to you. You shook your head nervously.

   "I don't know what half this shit is," you replied honestly.

   He stifled a laugh, "Next time I'll take you to a good old Olive Garden, that sound better?"

You shot him a mock smile and grimaced for a split second. You looked over the menu for anything even slightly familiar sounding as your parents ordered, and then Evan. You went with troll-caught California king salmon, and prayed you could stomach it. The waiter took all your menus and promised to return shortly. Your father laced his fingers together and faced Evan seriously.

   "So what exactly are your intentions with my daughter?"

Evan's eyes grew two sizes, this was the first you'd ever seen him look genuinely nervous. Knowing your dad, you held back a laugh as your date fumbled for words.

   "I'm kidding son." He finally cracked a smile. "Only teasing."

   "Myles quit that you'll scare the boy off," your mother elbowed him gently.

   "Nah," he placed an arm around your shoulder. "I'll be here as long as she'll have me." You both smiled, but you were quickly reminded that you only had 9 days left in the contract, and there'd be a messy public breakup all too soon. "So," he went on, letting his arm drop back to his side. "What was Y/N like as a kid?"

You turned slowly to look at him, your head almost totally sideways. Why waste time learning about you? He could've asked a simpler, more casual question.

   "She was a superstar," your mother gushed. "Not like you of course." Evan offered a humble grin as she went on. "She's the oldest of three, you know?"

   "No I didn't," he said, leaning forward with interest.

   "You never mentioned your sisters?" your mother looked at you accusingly, but with an edge of playfulness. You shrugged.
   "Well," she waved you off. "Their names are Clarissa and Sam. Y/N was just the best big sister to them when they were growing up. Always so responsible."

Evan looked fondly over at you as your mother went on about the burdens of the eldest daughter; for a moment it felt like you were the only two in the room. A blush colored your cheeks at his undivided attention: his adoration almost felt real.

He's an actor, he's an actor, he's an actor
, you repeatedly reminded yourself; but damn was he good at his role.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now