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      The abnormal silence of your surroundings seemed to go on forever. Only blocks away could you hear cars honking, maybe a distant siren. The sky grew a couple shades darker and the drizzle turned to an inconvenient but refreshing mist. You may have enjoyed it more if you'd gotten to grab your cardigan before heading out and getting dragged into an alley. Now you were just standing there shivering, waiting for the guy in front of you to tell me he was playing a prank, and you'd never have to worry about seeing him again.

   "Well?" he finally asked, as if he'd asked you your favorite to-go order, and not to be apart of his superficial publicity stunt for god knows how long.

   "You're serious," you confirmed, eyebrows coming together.

   "Well yeah," he shrugged. "They told me it'll be good in the long run, I wanna do what's best for my career. We'd pay you, and it's only for thirty days, so."

   "Oh excuse me," you put a hand over your heart. "I'd only have to be your bought toy for thirty days? Sign me up." You turned to round the corner, and he caught your shoulder.

   "Please, Y/N," he pleaded. Hearing your name from his mouth made it feel a little more personal and enticing, and your mind flashed back to your night together. That same mouth all over your neck, down your chest, stomach and further still... you squeezed your eyes shut to get the picture from your mind.

   "I'm embarrassed enough, I just want all of this to go away," you stayed turned the opposite direction. "I'm sure it's not hard to find someone who looks enough like me to play your game with you."

His hand dropped from its place on your shoulder, and you heard him lightly slapping his pants behind you. You turned.

   He pulled a sharpie from his pocket, "Do you have any paper?"

   "Please tell me you don't carry a sharpie around for the reason I think."

   A smirk spread across his face, "You never know when you might meet a devoted fan."

You rolled your eyes and reluctantly pulled the crumbled note from the window out of your pocket. He looked thankful and uncrumpled it, and smiled up at you after reading what it said.

   "You can guess I didn't write that."

   "I know," he replied. "But see? People love the idea of us together."

   "Good for them. They'll get over it." you remarked, watching him scribble a username onto the ruined paper.

   "Here," he handed it over, and you took it hesitantly. "It's my secret account. If you change your mind, now you know how to reach me. And I really hope you do."

With a childlike wink, he lifted his hood over his beanie and headed the opposite way down the alley. You looked at the username, and crumbled the paper back into your pocket. When you got back in the deli, Bethany looked more annoyed than usual.

   "Was that your break?" she asked, but it was more of a passive aggressive statement than a question.

   "I didn't mean to be out that long, but, yeah I guess."

She nodded but didn't reply, and you rolled your eyes and got back to work. An hour later, you successfully snuck your phone to the bathroom to text the group chat that consisted of yourself, Nova, and Kyro.

Y/N < Hypothetically, if Evan Peters came and told you his PR people want him to fake date you because its 'good for his image', would you do it?

You knew exactly what Nova would say, but you didn't want to leave her out of the loop. You were really waiting on Kyro's thoughts, as he was the more level-headed of the two.

Y/N < no, and take this all hypothetically
Kyro < girl. i mean do what u want at the end of the day but i vote no. cause once that little charade is over where does that leave you? the pathetic celeb ex?
Y/N < me?
Kyro < well what's in it for you?
Kyro < hypothetically
Y/N < money. idk how much

You shifted on the closed toilet lid and thought over their words for a minute before someone started banging on the door.

   "Do you need Pepto Bismol or something?" Bethany's yet again passive aggressive voice came through the door, and you flushed the empty toilet and told her you'd be out in a second.

You'd feel bad if you two worked anywhere that called for more labor than a Deli, and if she did more than an hour's worth of work in her entire shift. But she grew up a rich kid, not even needing a job, only working here for 'the experience'. Her future was guaranteed, whereas you were still worried about making July's rent. Evan's deal, complete with the offer of cash, danced in your mind, teasing you; you refused to give in that easily.


      You finally woke at noon the next day; you always stayed up late the night before a day off so you could take advantage of sleeping in. You rolled over as much as you could on your twin mattress and reached for your phone off the nightstand. You kept the little table rather tidy, just the occasional flavored-water bottle and your English ivy plant in its tiny pot. And of course your phone, which your hand finally found. Damn, a missed call from your mom. She didn't call very often, most of your conversations were through text. Luckily she left a voicemail. You tapped it and put it on speaker.

   "Oooh Y/N, I'm just so excited for you! Your father and I saw the papers--"

You sat upright instantly.

   "How wonderful that you snagged that celebrity boy! I just knew you'd get famous moving to LA. How's painting? How are the plants? Aw I wish you'd answered, but god-willing your father and I will be able to ask you in person in just a few weeks! He took off work from July 5th to 10th, surprise! We can't wait to see you and meet your new love! Don't worry, your sisters are taken care of and won't be coming with. Love ya!"

You stared in astonishment at a blank spot on your wall for who knows how long.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now