the interview

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      You felt way out of your element -- folding chairs with cloth backs sat in front of a camera, and you wondered if they had you and Evan's names on the back like in the movies; probably only his. You looked to the ceiling and was surprised that it had exposed wires and insulation. People rushed back and forth in front of you two, cameras flashed, too-loud department store music played somewhere in the building, and it was far too cold in there, even for early July.

"Come on, it's this way," Evan tilted his head and gestured toward the two seats you initially saw. 

You followed close behind, him being the only familiar thing in this place. You both got to the chairs, and you couldn't help sneaking a peak at the back of them: no names. Ha, still not that famous. You two plopped into your seats, and a paper thin woman with caramel colored skin came over to take Evan's hands in hers and air-kiss his cheeks; you offered a cordial smile.

"Evan my darling so nice to see you again," she beamed at him, then her eyes landed on you. "And I'm sorry your name has slipped my mind."

"Y/N," you spoke quietly.

"Of course," she offered a hand for you to shake. "I just see so many people a day. Lovely to meet you!"

"You as well," you replied. This woman was nice, but you could tell she was the kind of person that drained you if you were around her too long.

"Unfortunately though the first part of the interview is only focused on Evan and the show..." the second half of the sentence was drawn out, as she waited for you to realize what she was implying.

"Oh, right of course," you stood from your chair. She nodded graciously at you and led you to a leather sofa near the air conditioner. Great.

You watched from a distance as Evan loosened his shoulders, took a few sips of water, and practiced a couple fake smiles. You were glad you'd be out of this life pretty soon. Everyone involved got into their places, and the cameraman counted down from three; it reminded you of iCarly. The interviewer started firing questions, and Evan charmingly answered them, looking right at home in front of the camera. He was so effortlessly charismatic, you started sweating anticipating being up there beside him under all those fluorescents. You focused on your breathing and relaxed as much as you could before someone from the crew yelled 'Cut!' and the woman from earlier waved you over, flashing all of her bleached teeth in a smile.

You made your way back to the chair you'd previously sat in, trying to stop your hands from shaking. Evan didn't even look at you.

"You okay?" you wondered out loud.

"Great," he offered a small smile, and even though you only knew him a little bit, you could tell it was fake. You didn't push further. The interviewer, whose name you learned was Tracy, came back over, and after a few people touched up her blush, the cameraman was counting down from three again. You took a deep breath and mustered all your strength to look happy and in love.

"We're back with Evan Peters," Tracy grinned ear to ear. "And his new lover."

The camera panned to you, and your heart jumped to your throat. You could feel your face heating but smiled anyway. You were caught slightly off guard when Evan laced his fingers through yours and gave you a reassuring smile.

"Adorable!" Tracy commented. "Now I've got to know.. How did you two meet?"

You let Evan take the question, and he answered down to the pauses and stolen glances exactly what you'd scripted together. You looked at him with puppy dog eyes the whole time. Tracy aww'ed you two, then turned her attention to you.

"Y/N, could you tell us what your first date was like?"

"Of course," you placed a hand over your heart, pretending to look fondly back on the memory. You recalled what Evan had said, not leaving out a single word as you spoke, and for a moment he looked regretful. You kept your game face on and waited for the next question.

"How precious!" Tracy smiled into the mic. "Okay last question... Evan... describe your first. Kiss. With Y/N."

You tried not to let panic show on your face. Shit, you guys hadn't planned for that one. You turned to him and was so thankful it wasn't you she'd addressed.

"You know," he began bashfully, repositioning himself in his chair. "Not to sound corny or anything, but it was just magical." Tracy slapped a hand over her heart and made goo-goo eyes at him. "It was during our first date, right at the end of the song we slow danced to, perfect timing. I knew I had to have her when our lips met."

Your interviewer was a puddle in her seat, totally fawning over him and falling for his easy lies. You imagined the scenario and wished it true; but only for a moment.

"I just cannot handle you two!" she gushed. "California's sweethearts for sure!"

You played it up and leaned your head on his shoulder at your new title, and he kissed the top of your head. Tracy wrapped things up and thanked you both for coming, and not a moment too soon the crew once again yelled 'Cut!'. She stood and dropped her toothy smile immediately.

"This shit's gonna give me premature wrinkles," she rubbed at the sides of her mouth. "You all practice those answers for a while? They were pretty believable honestly."

Wait, she knew? You looked to Evan who didn't seem surprised. You chuckled nervously and the hand that he was still holding got sweatier. You looked down at your joined hands and then up to him.

"Oh, right," he met your gaze then dropped your hand; it felt cold without him.

He led you back toward the door you two came in, shaking hands with a few people and saying his thank yous and goodbyes; but not a word to you. It was a silent car ride back to his place, and a cordial goodbye before your Lyft home, as if you guys weren't just dubbed California's sweethearts.

In the backseat, your phone pinged: Bumble. You had a match. The guy messaged you right away wanting to set something up for the following night, and you accepted.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora