"It's my talisman." Evie explained, "I have to do this on my own." She sounded a bit sad at that but they cheered her on trying to boost her from the distance they were stuck at. Evie pulled herself up and began to climb. The fruit was growing all the way at the top, she'd have a long way to go and they could see when the thorns stuck on her clothes and pulled at the fabric, some nicking her skin and making her bleed a little. Anyone who thought Evie was just a pampered princess should see her now, Drac thought. He remembered those other girls in Auradon and couldn't see any of them doing this, well, except Lonnie.

Evie looked like she was getting nervous as she reached the top and the branches became thinner.

"Go the other way!" Jay shouted.

"Watch that branch." Drac called.

"Get a toe hold on the left." Carlos added.

"Now lift yourself up." Mal said cupping her hands around her mouth.

With their advice Evie was able to make it and she was surrounded by red dots they all knew were the poisoned apples, but only one was the talisman.

"There are a lot of apples up here!" she shouted down to them, "I don't know which one to pick, they all look alike!"

"You'll know which one." Mal shouted. They saw Evie look back at the fruit, she'd know which poison apples put you to sleep and which ones killed you on the spot. Finally she reached out and they saw her pick one golden apple from the bunch. She held it in her hand and stared at it for a long moment then she brought it ever so slowly closer to her lips.

"What are you doing?!" Carlos shouted in horror. The talisman was calling out to her and Evie was giving in to it.



Too late. Evie took a bite. She wobbled a bit and her eyes started to flutter.

"E! What's happening?" Mal shouted.

Evie yawned, "I feel sleepy."

"Don't fall asleep!" Drac shouted.

"Stay awake!"

"Should have. . . known better." Evie muttered before she fell asleep and toppled right out of the tree. Jay was the one to catch her and gently placed her on the ground while they tried to wake her up.

"What do we do?"

"She won't wake up."

"Will we have to leave her and get Doug?"

Then Evie's eyes fluttered and she came too as they all looked down at her, "What happened?"

"You fell." Carlos explained. "All the way down and we couldn't wake you."

"How long was I out?"

Drac shrugged, "A few minutes."

"Minutes?" Her eyes widened, "It felt like hours."

"You okay?" Jay asked as she sat up. She nodded then looked down at her hand. She held up the golden apple but it seemed to have lost it's shine.

"It totally messed with my head." Evie said as they helped her up, "We've got to be careful with these things, they're tricky."

Drac turned hearing a creaking noise, "Hey guys." He called and pointed. In the tree trunk was a door that they knew hadn't been there before.

"That's new." Jay said.

Evie gasped, "And the lake is draining!" at her words the tiny island began to shake.

"This place is self destructing!" Mal screamed, "Let's go! Let's go!"

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now