Old Friends

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Three weeks later as Alexis is walking to Ben's house she soon notices Venita looking at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Alexis asks.

"I've just noticed you smiling a lot recently. Why is that?" Venita asks.

"What do you mean why?" Alexis asks as she looks at Venita.

"It's just ever since you went on that date with Ben you've been really eager and happy to be around him every chance you get. Is there something you're not telling me?" Venita asks.

"Venita it was only a couple of dates. Besides we're not officially dating." Alexis says not worriedly.

"He also doesn't know about me having my powers or how you got yours. You've always dodged his questions when he would ask." Venita says as she and Alexis see Ben's house in the distance.

"Yes we'll she did ask us to keep it a secret far as our abilities." Alexis says.

"I know she did. I knew her before you did. I was on her home planet before coming here." Venita says as she and Alexis go up to Ben's front door.

"I know Venita." Alexis says as she knocks on the door before Ben opens the door.

"Hey Alexis. Uh what are you doing here?" Ben asks curiously.

"You asked me a couple days ago to come over. Everything okay?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Oh uh yeah! Everything's fine. But maybe you should come back another time." Ben says.

"Ben." Alexis says as she leans in the doorway.

"Uh yes?" Ben asks nervously.

"What's going on?" Alexis asks as she raised an eyebrow at Ben.

"Why do you ask?" Ben asks nervously.

"You're acting weird like you did at the pier. What's up?" Alexis asks persistently.

"Nothing's wrong." Ben says worriedly as Alexis playfully rolls her eyes.

"Okay then it should be okay for me to stay. I know you're an alien like you know about me. Whatever's going on I'm sure it'll be okay." Alexis says as he walks into the house.

"Alexis I really think maybe you should-" Ben then gets cut off as a woman in the room with Kevin and Gwen notice Alexis and Venita.

"Alexis? Venita?" The woman asks.

"Verdona!" Alexis and Venita say in union before Alexis goes over to Verdona and hugs her and Verdona pets Venita on the head.

"Wait you three know each other?" Kevin asks as he, Gwen, and Ben look at Alexis, Verdona, and Venita confusedly.

"Of course. Venita or formally known as Roa here is an Anubian Baskurr from my home planet and Alexis saved my life a while back." Verdona says as she smiles.

"She saved your life?" Ben asks as he looks at Alexis who blushes slightly.

"And dogo here is an alien? I don't buy it." Kevin says as Venita growls at him slightly.

"Shows what you know." Venita says as Ben, Gwen, and Kevin look at her in shock.

"You can talk!?" Ben asks in alarm.

"Yes. Quiet well." Venita says proudly.

"So how did she save your life grandma Verdona?" Gwen asks.

"I was visiting this planet a couple years ago and I ran into some humans. They did not take to me well and chased me. When I was cornered by then this sweet child and Venita came to my aid and saved my life. As a reward I gave Alexis the necklace she is wearing. It is infused with Anodite DNA and allows her to transform into an Anodite at will and back again." Verdona says as she gestures to the necklace Alexis is wearing.

"That don't explain how Venita is an alien." Kevin says.

"She has a similar necklace that she was given on my planet. It allows her to take the form of a normal earth dog and gives her the ability to speak if she so chooses. But she was sadly brought to this planet only meant to have tested the necklace and was captured instead." Verdona says as Venita looks at her.

"Then I got loose only to get caught in a human trap. Then that's how I met Alexis as a pup." Venita says.

"Awesome!" Ben says as Alexis looks at him.

"Awesome?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. I mean I didn't know you knew Gwen and my grandmother. I guess I still have a lot to learn about you." Ben says happily.

"As I'm sure I do you." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well it was good to see you dears again. I must be leaving. I only came to check on you Gwen." Verdona says.

"Bye grandma." Gwen says as she hugs Verdona.

"Bye Gwen. I'll be back again." Verdona says before she leaves.


"I'm sorry I forgot that I asked you to come over." Ben says as he is walking down the side walk with Alexis.

"It's okay." Alexis says as Ben looks around.

"Hey where's Venita?" Ben asks as he notices the dog isn't with them.

"She went on ahead back home. Jake called and wanted her to come back so they could play in the yard." Alexis says.

"Jake really loves you two don't he?" Ben asks as Alexis nods.

"He does. He and his mom have been wonderful. I'm glad I came with you guys back when you met me Ben." Alexis says happily.

"I am too. Anyway Alexis I gotta admit something." Ben says ashamedly.

"What is it?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I didn't just ask you to come over so we could hang out." Ben says ashamedly.

"You didn't?" Alexis asks as Ben shakes his head.

"No. I asked you to come over because.. well.. I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend. I've really enjoyed the couple dates we've had and I feel like I really connect with you. More than I do a lot for girls. In more ways than one. I understand if you don't-" Ben then gets cut off as Alexis kisses him on the lips before pulling away.

"Yes Ben. I'll be your girlfriend." Alexis says as Ben smiles.

"Really?" Ben asks excitedly.

"Yes really." Alexis says as she smiles happily.

"Hey you wanna go to Mr. Smoothy and grab something to eat?" Ben asks as Alexis nods.

"I'd love that. But I'm happy doing anything as long as it's with you." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Me too." Ben says as he smiles.

A Hero's Heart Ben 10: Alien Force Ben X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now