Meeting Ben

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A/N: As Alexis goes on to dance listen to the Aladdin 2019 Harvest Dance soundtrack.

"Alexis maybe you should take the night off. Your ankle is still hurt." Venita says as she looks at Alexis getting ready to go on stage.

"I'll be okay Venita. Besides I don't have a choice if I want to make sure we have a place to sleep at night along with decent food." Alexis says as Venita groans in annoyance.

"But your hurt." Venita says as she's tries to persuade Alexis not to go on.

"Hey Hathaway you're on in two minutes!" A male voice shouts in a not friendly tone.

"Just about ready Jack!" Alexis shouts as she begins to walk toward the door.

"Alexis please." Venita says as she gets in front of Alexis

"It'll be fine Venita. At least it's the weekend and he usually gives me those off. Now wish me luck." Alexis says as she leaves and waits before a corner while listening to the announcer.

"Give it up for the jewel of the desert! The vixen of dance who's beauty and rhythm is matched by none! Alexis Hathaway!" The announcer says as the crowd cheers.

"Okay let's do this." Alexis thinks to herself as she goes on stage dancing while the crowd is cheering for her. Not long after dancing around on the stage Alexis soon looks toward the direction of a brown haired boy in a green jacket appearing to be memorized by her movements causing her to smile slightly at him before Alexis then comes down on her injured ankle and quickly falls to the ground.

"Get up you brat! Your to go on injured or not!

"Hey! Can't you see that she's injured!?" The brown haired boy shouts.

"It's okay. I'm fine. Keep the music going." Alexis says as she continued dancing clearly having problems from her ankle until the music stops as the crowd cheers but the boy and his two friends as they look at her worried. Once done Alexis gets up and walks to her room before Venita quickly comes over to her.

"Seriously Alexis? I told you not to and this is why. You've probably hurt it worse." Venita says angrily as Alexis changed clothes.

"Loop it's okay Venita. I'm done for the day. Let's just go to Calvin. He is skilled in medical practices. Then we can relax for the weekend." Alexis says as Venita sighs in defeat.

"Fine Alexis." Venita says as she follows Alexis out the back door.

"Hey are you okay?" A male voice asks startling Alexis causing her Venita to jump in front of her growling and barking before the two turn see it is the boy from earlier.

"Oh it's you. The boy from the crowd." Alexis says as she calms down.

"Yeah it's me. Sorry I scared you." The boy says sheepishly.

"It's okay. So why are you here?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I saw how your boss treated you and saw you were hurt so I wanted to come check on you." The boy says kindly.

"Oh. Wow.. Thanks.. No one had really ever checked on me before except my dog Venita here." Alexis says as she places her hand on Venita's head.

"Well I guess I'm the first. My name is Ben Tennyson and you?" The boy says as he smiles causing Alexis to smile as he offers her his hand to shake.

"Alexis Hathaway. It's nice to meet you Ben." Alexis says kindly as she shakes the boy's hand.

"So where were you headed? Maybe I could walk you there since your hurt that is if you want." Ben says.

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