The Final Battle, Part 1

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"Can't this bucket of bolts go any faster?" Kevin asks as he is flying Ship through space with Gwen and Alexis.

"It's alright Ship." Alexis says as Ship looks at Kevin angrily.

"He didn't mean it Ship. We know you're doing the best you can." Gwen says.

"His best isn't good enough. If we don't catch up with that ship and rescue Ben before Kraab-" Kevin then gets cut off as Ship goes faster before the group catches up to the ship they are chasing and break inside.

"Well that worked." Alexis says as the group arrives in the enemy ship.

"Bridge is this way." Kevin says.

"So is Ben but you'll never get to him." A voice says revealing to be Kraab.

"Kraab." Gwen says.

"You would hunt the hunter? You forget your place. You are prey." Kraab says.

"That can be debatable." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling before the two groups begin fighting as Gwen and Alexis then reluctantly leave Kevin to fight Kraab while they go look for Ben.

"What are you doing here?" Gwen asks as she and Alexis find Ben hanging in chains.

"Just hanging around. Thanks." Ben says as Alexis frees him with her Anodite abilities.

"That thing on your arm." Gwen says as she sees a orange looking thing on Ben's arm.

"I know. Pretty smart huh? With this I can't change to anything." Ben says as he looks at the orange bracelet.

"You should be more careful." Gwen says as she tries to get the bracelet off Ben.

"What for? I always win anyway." Ben says unworriedly.

"Nice attitude." Alexis says as Ben looks at her and smiles.

"Hey my overconfidence is one of my most endearing qualities." Ben says proudly.

"No it really isn't." Gwen says.

"Uh that's getting kinda hot." Ben says as Gwen stops messing with the bracelet.

"Sorry. It isn't working anyway." Gwen says as Kevin crashes through the wall.

"You okay?" Ben asks as the others go over to Kevin.

"Got a little headache." Kevin says as he rubs his head.

"There's no escape for you Tennyson." Kraab says as he comes through the hole in the wall.

"It's okay. I got a plan." Ben says.

"You do?" Gwen asks as Ben then purposely lets Kraab grab him only to swipe Kraab's key and get the bracelet off before turning into Big Chill before a fight breaks out between Ben and Kraab.

"Is that the-" Alexis then gets cut off by Kevin as Kraab blasts the controls.

"Auto pilot? Yeah." Kevin says as he looks at Alexis.

"Great." Alexis says as she, Gwen, and Kevin go over to the controls.

"Everything's fine. I can fly this thing." Kevin says unworriedly.

"When you said everything's fine you knew we were headed for an asteroid field right?" Gwen ask as she sees they're headed into an asteroid field.

"I did not know that." Kevin says as Ben continues to fight Kraab.

"Kevin are you driving this thing? I can't wait until I get my own license." Ben says.

"Funny Tennyson. The thrusters are out. It's all I can do to keep us going in a straight line." Kevin says as he looks at Ben.

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