S3 EP16.5

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He began walking along next to her, the girl yawning some ad they did so. It was rather early to her, she didnt want to go to School but she had to get that degree somehow

"I didn't know you went to College. Much else this one"

Claude glanced down at her but still continued on his way "My Father recommended I be around the common folk"

(Y/n) deadpan at him "Damn. Common folk-"

'That's right, Claude had money. Must be the next to the chair or something' The girl continued on with her thoughts as she made her way 'That must be why he needs to be around people so he could be in their favor. Eh, rich people shit'

They soon came to a door, but (Y/n) walked in first "I'll see you later" After bidding goodbye, she went on through the class. Everyone was quiet, pretty much. Few were talking and some were on their phones and whatnot

As soon as she made her way to a seat, she noticed that someone had sat along next to her. And when she took a gander, lo and behold the golden eyed guy himself

(Y/n) blinked in surprise and then looked forward "Uh...You in this class?"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"You...You don't have to say Ma'am, y'know"

"Right. My apologies"

(Y/n) hid a small smile she wanted to release but, only shook her head at him "Ah...Rich Kids"


(Y/n) grabbed some food from the cafeteria. Only some Chinese, that's all. It was either that or-

"Oh-My apologies"

The girl backed away slowly, watching the food drop to the floor along with the dripping sauce on their clothes

She looked up and blinked rapidly at the sight of Claude staring down at the food "How much was it, I will give it back to you. I wasn't seeing as to where I was going"

She waved her hand and shook her head "Nah, it's...It's good" She kept her arms up and moved over to grab some napkins. There was a good bit of people in the Cafe but, not billions. Some people actually offered their napkins, which she happily accepted! How nice of them!

The girl turned around with some tissue in her hand but, she could only stare at Claude on shock "Oh. You cleaned it all up"

The floor looked spotless. As if nothing was there in the first place!

"Your shirt too.."

Claude blinked and looked down, now noticing that nothing was on his clothes

He then looked to (Y/n) as she used the napkins to dry her shirt. He immediately walked over and sat a hand on her back "Take a seat, I'll re order your food and he'll qith your shirt"




She didn't know what to do

Just sit there and wait..

While he went and hurried on with the food. He looked so frantic yet calm? And all to get the food back for her

It was...Kinda sweet, if she had to be honest


She looked up to find him with the take out box and some more napkins "Come along, I have a spare shirt you can use"

(Y/n) nodded and stared at the hand he lifted her way. She was new to all this. Well...Almost


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