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Suddenly, a cohozuna launched out of the ocean, and roared into the air, with a devilish screech.
"AH! WHAT IS THAT?!?" Nico yelled, falling back due to the shaking of the ground.
"GET OUT OF HERE!" Luna yelled, watching the shoreline become accessible due to the sudden tide drop.
Isaac was ahead, and kept running before being ambushed by a steelhead.
He halted, before running back where he came from.
"HOW DO WE KILL THAT THING?" Nico yelled out, watching the cohozuna leap towards him, nearly killing him.
"TAKE THESE! GET EGGS AND LAUNCH THEM AT IT!" Luna yelled out to them all, throwing egg cannons to them.
After they all struggled to get the cannons onto their life rings, the cohozuna launched itself towards Isaac.
"ISAAC!" Nico yelled out, attempting to run over to Isaac and push him out of the way.
He felt himself jolt forward, before flying backwards, like a bungee cord.
It was Sam, she was holding onto the back of his suit, holding him back.
"Let me go!" He said struggling to get away from her.
He turned around, and pushed her away from him, feeling her let go of him as she fell back.
"Stop trying to hold me back." He said in almost a mumble, as he ran over to Isaac to make sure he was okay.
"ISAAC! Are you alright?" He said, running over to him. Isaac was injured and on the ground, whilst Luna focused on getting eggs to launch at the cohozuna.
"Go... help her.." he said, coughing.
"N-No! I can't leave you here! What if you get splatted?" Nico asked, looking Isaac in the eyes.
"It's okay... I don't wanna die but we can't pick and choose, eh?" He chuckled, as Nico stood up.
"I'll do this for you, Isaac."
"I'll probably be fi- and he's gone." Isaac chuckled again, as he lay on the ground, staring into the grey skies. It was honestly very calming, apart from the sounds of the cohozuna screaming and what not. His viewing session was interrupted by a mob of smallfry, all running towards Nico & Luna. Amongst the crowd, was a certain Smallfry. It seemed he couldn't keep up, with the rest. The smallfry stopped, and watched the rest of them run off, before being splatted by Nico. It watched, before wandering back, and noticing Isaac.
"Woah! Buddy! Calm! C-Calm!!" He said, watching as it's fin began wagging and it ran towards him.
Instead of splatting it, he grabbed it with both hands, as it squirmed around and bit him. The creature's teeth weren't strong enough to get through the rubber, however they were damaging it ever so slightly. He sat up, as the creature accepted it's fate, and looked back at him.
Suddenly, the cohozuna let out another deafening screech, as it burst into a big ball of ink.
Isaac smiled, as he looked back at the smallfry.
"It's okay, you're okay." He mumbled to it, as Nico and Luna ran back to him.
They stopped Infront of him.
"Why've you got a smallfry?" Luna asked, as Isaac shakily stood up.
"What? I think he's cool, can we keep him?" He asked, shoving him in their faces.
"...sure, why not." Nico sighed, as Luna looked around for Sam.
"Where's Sam?" She asked, which reminded Nico of what he did earlier.
He sighed.
"I... don't know. I did snap at her earlier, maybe we could look for her?" He said , feeling nervous after confessing what he did.
"What do you mean you snapped at her?" Luna asked.
"... I mean, I was trying to help Isaac and she was holding me back, so I hit her arm so she'd let me go." He said, feeling Luna's gaze pierce through him.
"Well, you can go find her, and apologise." She said in a stern voice.
"What? Don't we have more important things to worry about? Like getting out of this dump?" He said, as she stood, unphased by what he had to say.
"Apologise." She said, as Isaac looked at the floor.
"Fine, if I can even find her." He sighed, as he walked off towards the place they were when he hit her. He slowly stumbled down the ramp, and saw her sitting behind the wall, curled up into a ball, seeming to be crying. Nico stumbled down the ramp, sliding his hand along the wall beside him, before making himself visible to her.
"H-Heyy, Sam. I just... came to say I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier, I really shouldn't have snapped at you and I'm hoping you can forgive me."
She ignored him.
He noticed she was ignoring him, so he slid down beside her, and sat down next to her.
"Hellooo?? Earth to Sam..? Earth to-
"It's Keedie." She muttered, through her tears.
Nico was in disbelief for a moment.
"Huh..? So why did you register as... Sam..?"
Nico asked, approaching her slowly. He slid himself down the wall, sitting down next to her.

"It was just... so people didn't know I was actually out here, you know?" Keedie said, wiping her tears away. She looked over at Nico, his eyes seeming bigger than ever as he stared her down.
"Oh, so like a kinda secret identity sort of thing?" He asked, to which she confirmed.
"Y-Yeah, but now since we're stuck here- I felt there was no point in hiding it anymore, Honestly I actually k-kinda hated the name Sam anyways..." She continued rambling on, as Nico stood up, putting his hand out to help her up. She reached up, and squeezed his hand as he pulled her up to her feet, helping her to stabilise herself. The two walked back up to the main area, watching as Luna was bandaging up one of Isaac's wounds, which he surprisingly got from the small fry they "captured."
"Yooo, guys. What's up." Nico said, walking ahead of Keedie, to meet up with the others faster.
"How are you so CALM in a situation LIKE THIS?" Issac exclaimed, as Luna finished wrapping his finger up with a bandage.
"Don't worry, we'll be good, won't we, Nico?" Luna asked, turning around to face him.
"Uh... yeah, ...totally."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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