
272 13 4

Just saying I didn't know what to name the story!
Time skip!!! Warning ⚠️ i might joke around in this chapter

It's been 5 day since Daniel has gone to  jwon high school!

Daniel wakes up. *Yawns* Daniel gets up does everything a human does. Then gets ready for school. He heads out and walks to school, Daniel pulls out his phone and starts texting his mom and asking her if she's doing okay. But then Daniel bumps into someone and drops his phone
"I'm sorry! I didn't look where I was going"
Daniel then picks his phone and then looks up and sees two men death staring him
oh this isn't going to end well..

"Hey. I think you broke my arm" the guy says angrily to Daniel.

"Um sir.. I only bumped into you, there's no way I broke your arm"


"Sir can you please calm down I didn't mean to offend you in any way"

The guy then pulls Daniel hair but That's when Daniel had enough. Daniel punches the guy and then kicks him, the other guy hits Daniel with a bat in the back but Daniel quickly grabs the bat and hits him in the back even harder then he had hit him.
After Daniel beats them up. he looks down...

No.. I had promised not to fight but they had it coming

Vasco pov

I wonder if jace likes fried corn..?
Vasco then hears a fight
What the- I'll go check it out!
Vasco then goes to see where the fight was but then saw Daniel beating two guys
I knew it! He was a bad guy!! He's even beating up two homeless guys..! That's it, lm stepping in

Daniel pov

Daniel look's at the time. Oh no lm going to be late! Daniel starts running really fast to school
Vasco pov

He's running away! Ill chase him
Three seconds later
Danm it.. He's to fast
I'll have to tell the other guys too

Daniel goes to school like nothing happened but his back still hurting like hell.  Daniel walks into class and then sits down and puts his head down, his back hurts so much that he even forgot to say good morning to jay! Daniel also felt really bad for beating up the two guys.

I should go to the doctor later to check my back, also I might as well check my back in lunch to see if it bruises up.


Jay pov

I see Daniel walking in but he seems stressed out..?
wait a minute...
He forgot to say good morning..
Did i do something wrong???
Or is he sick!? Wait now i sound like sissy!
But lm to worried about Daniel to think about that!!!
*Bell rings*
I'll check up on him in lunch..


Daniel pov

I need to use the restroom real quick but my back hurts.. I'll just go ig i raised my hand

Teacher: "what is it Daniel?"

"May i use the bathroom"

Teacher: "yeah go ahead"

I Walk through the hallways and go to the bathroom and do business, and wash my hands. I should check my back to see if it bruised up. I check my back and see it did bruise up.. but suddenly i see someone walking in..
IT WAS ZACK LEE! I saw him walk up to me..
Suddenly i felt his hands going up my neck to my face. He suddenly pulled me close..
His lips inches away from mine.. but it was only for a split second but those seconds felt like hours.. Wondering what his next move will be. Now that i think about it, when was Zack so good looking, i though inside my head.

Stuck in thought i didn't notice Zack laying a small peck on my lips, then progressing to a deep tongue kiss. Snapping back from my thoughts, I feel how his tongue is moving inside of my mouth.
I could feel how passionate he was with how gentle he was being. I slowly close my eyes along with him, as we sink into the moment. I feel his hands go down to my back, as he makes the kiss deeper. Then not so long after...

...jk you though!! Joke over!!
Back to storyline

Who's coming in? Oh it's Zack..

"Daniel? What happened to your back??"

"Nothing!" I said while putting my shirt down.

"Did you get in a fight or something??" Zack looks at me suspicious.

"Um.. no.." Daniel starts to sweat.

"Are you sure? How else would you get that bruise?" Zack keeps asking questions.

"Fine i did.."

"Who you fight?" Zack raised a eyebrow.

"Two random guys, they didn't leave me alone. And kept lieing"

"Respect man. I would do the same but never imagined you fight"

"We'll i never imagined myself to fight them myself"

"So you just got some anger issues or some?"

"No, they started it by pulling my hair"


Daniel looks at the time to notice he's been in the restroom for 30min!

"Well lma leave! I've been here for 30min!"

"I'll come with you"

"Okay but hurry"

They Walk inside of class like they were the best buddies ever. The teacher didn't even care. But someone felt jealous at that moment... It was jay.

To be continued..

Lmao my sister told me to joke around a little so i did(⁠^⁠^⁠)

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