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They were playing poker: Morpheus, Athen, Spider beside Athen making bad moves because he was drinking, Steven and Shade across the table from each other, a cast on Steven's arm, Shade filling the kitchen with sweet smoke, and Dolores sitting in on Julien's hand because he had gotten up to cook.  Athen wanted to know whom Julien was cooking for.  And Julien smiled as he turned.  "I saw Psyche about yesterday...she was sitting in that pink and white satin room of hers brushing all that long blonde Barbie Doll hair...." He pushed his fingers through his own gold-blond hair.

Morpheus sighed, knowing what was coming.

"Cooking for Morpheus then?" Athen asked.  "Does the boy know you're using him?" 

"Faye already made that joke," Morpheus murmured. He didn't like when they got catty. There was hardly as much cheating going on as some pretended.

Athen glared across the table at Morpheus. He didn't even want to hear Faye's name! "So, where are we...oh, I remember.  I'm raising Spider's bet..."

"Too rich for me?" said Steven.

"What's this too rich shit?" Athen asked. "You've loads of money."

"Because I don't budget it all on gambling."  

Dolores puckered up her lips and made strange humming noises.  "I'm in." she tossed in two of the fifty-dollar chips.

"Go on," said River's small voice.  Morpheus tossed in two chips. 

"I am rather hungry...Julien." Steven said.

Troy padded into the room and sat behind Shade.  The Vampyre reached back to scratch the wolf's head.

Julien came to the table.  He stepped around Troy and snatched the clove from Shade's hand and took a drag.  He licked his lips.  "I'll make you a pasta dish, OK, pay you back for all the ones you made me when I was...Human." He looked over to Morpheus, raised his hand and drew the fingers in a couple times: go up, C'mon.

"Julien, I'll cut off your hand," Athen said.

"Then I won't be able to play this tiny violin for you."

Shade mimed playing the violin. 

"Tragic," said Steven.

Athen raised again.

Morpheus raised that, he didn't care, and he never came by money with great difficulty.

Athen called. 

Morpheus lay his cards down, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten of spades.  He smiled.

Athen had three aces and two kings.  He sneered as Morpheus took up the chips.  "The boy's mother is a veritable Queen of Swords herself," Athen said, "I suspect there's some kind of rouse going on here."

"Can I help if the cards like coming to me?" Morpheus asked. 

"What ya gonna do with the money?" asked Dolores.

Morpheus shrugged.  "Go shopping for shoes," he said in a cute voice.

"Fetch me a beer, Julien," Shade said.

Julien fetched him a beer.  Athen said he was going out with Spider.  Dolores asked for a ride.  They left.

Shade counted his chips then cleaned up the table.  "I owe someone money probably," he said.

"Julien maybe," said Morpheus, "I only won a lot the last round, mostly Athen's money."

"I think I owe you though, Dolores betting so much and all," Julien said.  He told Shade to give Morpheus some money. 

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