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"hyung, i'm bored," jungwon pokes his friend's elbow with his pencil.

"shh, we already got in trouble once, i'm trying to avoid that," sunoo nudges the younger's hands off his desk. "and take notes, i'm not going to give you mine."

"i already did," and the older rolled his eyes. of course, how could he forget how much of a nerd yang jungwon is. 

he is that the student would read through the textbook and take notes on everything 1 week in advance of the lesson.

"then sleep, i don't know."

jungwon pouts and goes back to doodling in his notebook, laughing at his small drawing of jake as a dog.

"alright, now, i'm going to be calling a random person up to the board to answer this question," ms. son takes the attendance sheet out and twirls her pencil a bit before stamping it down. "and... yang jungwon?"

that takes him out of his daydream and he looks up with a surprised look.


"can you please come up to answer the question on the board?"

the student curses at his luck today. first, getting a door slammed into his face and now this. what's next, getting struck by lightning? that would be better than this.

"this is something that we learned earlier in the year but i want to assume you know this already," the teacher draws out a cycle diagram and hands the student the chalk. "because we're learning about the cell division process, could you go through the different phases of mitosis and explain to the class the specific changes in each one?"

scratch that, this was about to be one of the easiest things he has to do today.




"at the end, the chromosomes all go back to their separated forms and they're in their respective regions. cytokinesis happens, where the cytoplasm starts to split and as a result, two identical daughter cells will come out of the process."

the class is quiet until ms. son claps really enthusiastically.

"that's correct jungwon! you can go back to your seat and can everyone give him a round of applause too?"

he bows to the woman and tries to hide his blush while walking down the aisle and to his seat.

"show off," sunoo teases as his friend takes a seat. "but you did a really good job!"

"i was freaking out because i forgot if pro-metaphase was a thing or not," jungwon lets out the breath he was holding in. "but thank god i remembered."

"psst, hey, new kid."

jungwon feels a poke at his shoulder and he turns around, surprised to see a familiar face.


the male gives a deadpan expression at the wrong name and shakes his head in disbelief.

"ok, first of all, it's niki and second of all, do you think you could explain the process again during self study time? i kinda got it when you were up there but i need someone to explain it again."

"yeah, of course," he nods.

"thanks," and niki goes back to doing whatever he was doing before the interaction. from the corner of his eye, jungwon could make out a doodle of shin-chan. except, it was ms. son.

"he sits right behind us?" sunoo whisper-shouts as the other turns around. "damn, then i would've initiated some conversation or something."

"hyung, really?" jungwon couldn't believe how the older was acting. "again, we're here to study and have a new experience, not pin after a boy you just met."

"having a crush is a new experience for me," he argues. "and it would be even better if we get closer during this time."

"oh my god," jungwon drops his head on his desk but flinches at the loud bell.

"alright guys, self study starts now," the woman motions to the clock that reads 3:00 am. "don't forget to get dinner sometime during that time and study well!"

"thank you!" all the students say and some get up to go to the library or other places.

"where should we go?" jungwon asks niki. "do you want to stay here or do you go somewhere during this time?"

"i usually go somewhere else to study. although, just a caution, my friends will be there but they'll stay quiet if we ask them," the japanese picked up his backpack. "let's go!"




"does anyone ever use these lockers?" jake looks at the row of lockers along the hallways, some with cobwebs on the top.

"some do but most people prefer to carry their stuff around," sunghoon shrugs.

"don't use them. i got one during 1st year but stopped right after i found a spider in my bag after the first day," jay cringes at the memory.

"i remember that! you screamed so loud, the school had to go under lockdown, thinking there was a fox loose in the school!"

jake bursts out laughing and he covers his mouth trying to stop it from how annoyed jay seemed at the story.

"i'm sorry but was it really that bad?" the aussie asks, knowing how loud and high the animal can get.



both friends glare at each other and jay continues talking.

"it wasn't that bad. also, where's heeseung hyung?"

"student leader duties," sunghoon answers. "well, i don't know but that's why i would assume."

"niki said he's at the roof already and he brought some new people too," jay closes his phone and slips it into his pocket.

the three rush up the stairs to the roof and when they open the door, jake's met with 1 familiar face and 1 new one.

"jungwon!" he runs to his friends and the three get into a group hug.

"wait, he knows them?" niki asks, confused at how they all greeted each other.

"they transferred here together," sunghoon explains.

"oooh, ok."

"hi jay hyung," jungwon waves to the older.

"hi jungwon," the male gives a smile as a response. "oh yeah, sunghoon, this is yang jungwon and jungwon, this is park sunghoon."

"nice to meet you sunghoon-ssi," but the older waves at the formality.

"you can call me hyung, don't worry. we're all friends now anyway." 

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