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"and this will be your room. unfortunately, because we were just informed that you would be attending here, we couldn't prepare a better room so if you have any problems, just let us know and we can fix them."

the headmistress opens the room and the three boys cringe a bit at the sight. the furniture is all in wonky positions, some of them stacked on top of each other and the bed and desk create a small fort in the corner; books are all over the floor and some even have scratch marks on the cover; everything was covered in either a layer of dust or wrapped in cobwebs.

"t-thank you," jungwon says with a polite smile while jake and sunoo both hold their breaths. possibly from the musky odor that trailed into their noses. "we'll set everything up first and if there's anything, we'll let you know!"

after the boys bow to ms. kang, the door closes and they just stare at the mess in front of them.

"what," jake starts.

"the," sunoo adds on and also squeals a bit when seeing a spider crawl on a nearby support beam.

"heck," jungwon crouches down and picks up one of the books. he flips through it but surprisingly, the pages are blank with a couple of rips.

"what happened? i mean, i heard this was a really well-known school and is also known for rigorous academics so wouldn't you assume it's also well-funded?" sunoo starts to rant.

"well, i'm sure we were the last students they could accept this year before capping the number," jake tries to reason out to calm the younger. "and also, she told us we applied really last minute so i think we should be understanding."

"hyung's right, and besides, it's not that much to clean up," jungwon picks up a broom before heading to the other side of the room, where the sun was shining through the window. "i'd say if we finish all this in the next 2 hours, then we can get some sleep before class starts."

decelis academy is renowned for two things: the phenomenal education and the fact classes were taught in the nighttime. it's said headmaster kang, the founder of the school, believed the mind worked best during the night and some of his famous works were also written in the middle of the night.

so classes would go on from 9:00 pm to 3:00 am, study from 3-6:00 am, and "lights out" by 7:30 am.

and this was just fine for the 3 teenagers, who were already used to their messed-up sleep schedules.

"maybe it's just me or does this academy seem a bit too...far out?" sunoo asks as he looks out the window, seeing trees surround the area.

"that's the whole point sunoo," jake pats his friend's head. "and besides, think of it as an adventure. it's only for this year and if we don't like it, then we can go back."

back to seoul, and back home.




kang seulgi (?)

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kang seulgi (?)

- headmistress of decelis academy 

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