Chapter 18

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I held my breath as I covered my newly curled hair in a layer of hairspray, who knew how long I would need to stay at this party for but at least my hair would hold in place. I glanced over at my outfit for the evening later on the bed as well as my makeup set up and ready to go. Roche would come and collect me 15 minutes after the first announcement from the engine and I needed to be set up and ready to go. The door slid open and Javi entered, I turned away from him and started to wrap the wires up for my curling tongs. He grabs a notebook from the desk and leaves without saying a word. He's been giving me the cold shoulder ever since I agreed to attend this summit in person. To be honest I prefer it this way for now. I have too many thoughts buzzing around in my head without having his concerns also being added to the deafening hum. I step out into the engine to see the last of the adjustments being made to the setup, I walk past it all to check on the speed "will we being going at this speed all through the night?" I ask. Ben comes over and checks the speed out himself "we'll slow before we release the ballon but after that speed should remain constant" he confirms. I glance out the window, it's pitch black "what about-" but he cuts me off "tonight you don't have to worry about the engine, just focus on Wilford.... And try to have some fun as well, okay?" He asks, I nod quickly "okay"

We make our way over to the broadcast but we've set up at the back on the main area. Javi is fiddling with the camera lens making sure we're all going to be in shot. We have the intercom hooked up to listen to whatever's going on in the nightcar, at the moment there's a lot of cheering and upbeat music, then it goes quite. I take a deep breath and roll my shoulders, our time to speak in close "... direct all of your attention towards our engineers." Javi hits the record button and we're live now to the summit "We're good." He says before hurrying over to stand next to me, both of us positioned behind Ben. Ben clears his throat "Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we'll be launching the first weather balloon that will transmit data to our own Melanie Cavill." He says positively.

It's my turn to speak "Once the balloon reaches height, which is in about 75 minutes, Melanie will link to it, and we'll hear a signal. That ping will indicate that Melanie is safe and that our mission is underway."  I explain carefully, my voice shakes a little bit otherwise I manage to get through my lines without stumbling. Ben nods and look to the laptop next to us "It looks like we're in launch mode now and Javi will do the honors." He says. We drew straws on who got to launch the ballon and Javi won that honour. I watch as he moves over to the laptop "Okay, we're launching in three, two, one." And with one tap of a button the first ballon is launched. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in, please be safe Melanie "We'll be back in a short while to update you with our progress. Thank you." And with that I go over and press the button again stopping the live feed. We stand there for a moment in silence, each of us unsure whether to celebrate like they are across the train or if it's too early to be sure that a celebration is in order. I move towards the cabin, time to fix my attention on other things.

I chose my outfit to be the exact opposite of what Wilford would have chosen for me to wear. My own personal message to him. A long floaty black dress with a pattern of strawberries that just reaches my ankles. I swap my comfy shoes for wedged sandals also black with a red berry design. I stand in front of the mirror for a second and take in how I look. I shouldn't be partying whilst Melanie could be dead, but with the black dress I already seem half in mourning anyway. I quickly move to apply my make up, some blusher, pink silvery eye makeup, mascara and red lipstick. I'm touching up my lipstick when I hear Roche "well is she ready?" He asks. I don't look away from my reflection "one sec" I call out halfheartedly.

I step out of the living quarters not bothering to double check my appearance in the mirror. I know that I look good and hoped I can sustain that confidence for the rest of the night. Roche straightens up from his hunched position leaning against the wall "good, now we may actually be on time for this thing" he says. I roll my eyes "of course, don't stress Roche not good for you to worry so much" he grunts and gestures for me to lead the way "wish me luck" I murmur. Javi smiles "you look beautiful" he compliments. I nod quickly before leading the way out of the engine.

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