35 | Goodbyes

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"I thought you got Billy's car back from the repair shop? And what are you going to do if you can't fix your car?" Kendra asked her best friend.

"Yeah ... they by some miracle had managed to repair his car and then Billy let me drive. Let's just say I don't think he will be letting me drive his car again anytime soon. And I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't fix my car," Isadora said.

"What did you do, Isa?"

"I kind of, accidentally reversed into a tree but I did say I would pay for the damages to be repaired, you know, seeing as it was my fault the car got damaged again," Isadora said.

"Was Billy mad?"

"He was a little upset about his car being damaged but I think he was more worried about whether I had hurt myself or not," Isadora shrugged.

"You and Billy seem to be settling into your new place well," Kendra commented, and Isadora looked towards her and smiled.

"Yeah, it's really beginning to feel like home. Billy and I have been spending a lot of time making the place ours and honestly I am really happy with how it's turning out. There is a part of me that does miss my mum's house though, but it didn't feel home, not since Mum died," Isadora said.

"Have you decided what you're going to do with the house yet?" Kendra asked. Isadora shrugged as she looked towards her.

"I ... I don't know. A part of me thinks the best option would be selling the house, but I don't know if I can, at least not yet. I'm not in a hurry to make any decisions yet though. And now that I'm eighteen, the house can legally be transferred into my name."

"Wait, we missed your birthday?" Kendra asked.

"I wasn't going to say anything because of what's happening today and because I'm not really in a celebratory mood, but I'm eighteen today, Ken," Isadora said.

"I cannot believe I forgot that it's your birthday today, Isa. I'm so sorry," Kendra said.

"It's fine, I wanted everyone to forget that it's my birthday today. Anyway, seeing as my mum's only living family, the house will be transferred into my name."

"Wait, I thought you had family in California?"

"Yeah, my cousins Katie and Cody. Their father was my Dad's brother and I've already spoken to him. The property was only purchased in my mum's name so they don't have any interest in the property or no claim over the property, so they said they were happy for the property to be transferred to my name once I turned eighteen," Isadora explained.

"Your mum has no other family?"

"She never really talked about her family much and I never met my grandparents, so I don't even know where they are. I mean, she was born in Hawkins and lived in Hawkins until she graduated high school, but I tried searching for them and I couldn't find anything on them. I don't think they live in Hawkins anymore."

"You could always try the library records."

"Yeah, maybe. Billy's spending the day with Beatrix," Isadora said, deciding to change the topic.

"How are they doing?"

"Better, I think. Billy's been going to his old house a lot to help Max, Susan and Beatrix pack up the house. They moved to a smaller house at the trailer park, which has enough space for the three of them," Isadora said.

"Surely it must be better for them all now that Neil is out of the picture," Kendra said.

"Yeah, I think it is. Max and Beatrix both seem really relieved that he is gone and they're both doing a lot better and Billy ... Billy is definitely happier now that Neil is gone, and I think he's really been trying hard to be less of an asshole," Isadora said.

The Great War | Billy HargroveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora