Chapter One: Partial Truths:

Start from the beginning

They talked over me while I slowly stood and held Romeo's dirty red handkerchief collar in my hand, though I know the dog could drag me around if he wanted to. 

I kept an eye on Sera, who was now being held by Daryl. She seemed to like chewing on his leather vest, which he didn't seem thrilled about but ignored. 

A dark haired woman and an older man with a funny hat neared us. The man stayed further back, but the woman took confident strides over to us, glancing at angry man and the Dixon's before turning to me and giving me a sad look. 

"What's your name, sweetie?" She asked gently.

The men stopped talking and turned to look at us, probably waiting to see what I'd say.

I glared and shook my head. She gave me a confused and hurt look, glancing at the men. 

Daryl shrugged and Merle rolled his eyes, "He wouldn't tell us his name. Been callin' him Smalls. He told us his sister's name is SeraMay though. Hadn't actually heard him speak much til he got between Shane and the mutt."

I glared when he called Romeo a mutt. I know he's a mutt, but he said it awfully mean. I flipped him off, causing him to chuckle and Daryl to smirk. I smiled back at them, causing Shane to scowl for some reason. 

"Lori, maybe you should take him and SeraMay to get some food while I deal with the Dixon's," Shane said, earning a glare from me. 

I ran over to Merle and Daryl, Romeo following close behind me, and I grabbed both their free hands and glared at Shane as I held the two men's hands tight. 

"I don't think he's gonna let ye separate him from us," Merle commented dryly. 

"Probably doesn't wanna be left alone with folks he don't know. Heck, he barely knows us but we didn't greet'm by hollerin' or pointin' a gun at his dog," Daryl added. 

Shane glared at the men while Lori cast Shane a disappointed look. Shane softened his eyes at me.

"How old are you, honey?" The brown haired woman, Lori, asked, trying to continue her questions that Shane had interrupted 

I bit my lip and scrunched my brows in thought. I finally realized I had no idea what day it was.

I let go of the Dixon's hands and raised seven fingers, then shrugged and added another one. 

"7 or 8? You don't know?" Shane, angry man, asked in an almost caring manner. 

"It's June somethin', 2010," Merle offered the information to me gruffly, looking disinterested.

The older man with the funny hat, who had been standing near by with binoculars around his neck, stepped closer, "It's the 29th of June, actually." 

My eyes widened and I smiled, tears of relief sprang into my eyes. My birthday was today. 

I held up eight fingers. 

"You seen awfully happy about being eight, kid. How old is your sister?" He asked.

I held up three fingers.

"Where's your folks?" Shane asked.

I froze and shook my head. 

I don't wanna go back. I can't go back. I just got away. 

I kept shaking my head in panic, soon realizing I was whimpering and whining. 

Merle stepped closer and slowly placed a large hand on my shoulder for a moment before removing it and glaring at Shane, once again. 

Daryl pulled me against his side, trying to calm me.

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