- Dragneel -

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"It's time I show you how strong I really am!"

Ignis Dragneel

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Brown
Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Guild Mark: Orange [Left Shoulder]

º Ignis is the eldest of the Dragneel siblings, having salmon pink hair with chocolate brown eyes, bearing a striking similarity to his father, albeit his hair isn't as spiky as his. His guild mark is a bright orange color and its on his left shoulder. He has a small scar on his abdomen, a remnant of an past event.

º Ignis is a young man full of dreams and aspirations, one such dream is becoming an author like his mother. He's a selfless wizard who puts everyone's need above his, sometimes even protecting others even if it means at the risk of his own life, which often gets him in trouble and injured at the end of any conflict. Ignis is usually very relaxed and is often the jokester of the party, having an overall positive attitude no matter the situation. One of his hobbies is reading which often grants him the nickname "nerd" or "egghead" by others, but he doesn't mind it, except if Storm is the one saying such things to him. He sees Storm as his rival, often feeling looked down upon by how strong Storm is, seeing he's a Devil Slayer just like his father. This makes Ignis fired up, often training and one day become as strong— if not stronger than him. He's a caring older brother and always helps out his younger sister, Layla, with whatever she needs. Ignis adores sweets but sour foods are a big no for him.


"Let's get this party started!"

Layla Dragneel

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Magic: Dragon Slayer Magic [Blue Flames]
Guild Mark: Light Blue [Back of her Right Hand]

º Layla is the youngest of the Dragneel Siblings, having light blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her hair is tied in a ponytail with a red ribbon as her guild mark rests on her right hand and its a bright blue color.

º Layla is an adventurous spirit, known for being very energetic and reckless at times. Both her and her father have a reputation for wreaking havoc whenever they both go on a mission together, their energetic selves accidentally destroy a house or two, receiving a scolding from the Guild Master. She's the type of person to try and cheer others up whenever someone feels sad, her bright smile can light up the room even more than her magic does. Layla looks up to her father, his strength and blazing emotions make her soul burn bright with conviction and she strides to one day be as strong as him. She tries to mask her fear, putting on a brave face whenever she faces any obstacle in front of her, but at times it breaks and her true feelings are shown, this is something she hates that happens often. She doesn't get into fights with Storm often, but she does have a rival, Sting's oldest child, Setsuna, who she frequently fights with whenever she gets the chance. She has a plethora of stuffed animals, one of her favorite is a dragon plushie which resembles Igneel.

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