Elena's meeting with Isobel didn't go at all how she wanted. Isobel only wanted one thing, the device that Pearl gave to Damon. Elena was heartbroken over the fact that her birth mother was a horrible bitch, willing to kill everyone she loved just to get what she wants.

While Damon, Stefan, and Alaric worked on a plan to stop Isobel, Elena, and Chloe tried their best to focus on school and Founder's Day. They were working on the Miss Mystic float with Caroline when Bonnie asked them to meet her in the empty chemistry room.

"Hey," Bonnie said as they walked in. "Thanks for meeting me. I wanted you to see this" she said. "Is that Emily's spell book?" Elena asked, looking down at the book sitting on the desk in front of them.

Bonnie nodded. "I've been going through it since Grams died. Check this out" she said, pointing down to the open page. Chloe recognized the drawings.

"That's the vampire compass," she said.

"Yeah. According to Emily, Jonathan Gilbert never actually succeeded in inventing anything. Emily secretly spelled them all with magic. Compass," Bonnie flipped the page "rings, and the mystery device you told me about."

Elena and Chloe looked down at the detailed drawing of the compass. "Yeah, that's it," Elena said. "Part of it. Damon doesn't have that piece" Chloe said, pointing to the drawing of some sort of mechanical box at the bottom.

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine. But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. This was the only way she could think of to help. To let Jonathan Gilbert believe he'd actually invented these devices" Bonnie said.

"Does it say what it does?" Elena asked. Bonnie flipped the page, slowly reading the Latin text written around the drawings. "Um, are you sure this is what Isobel wants?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Elena said. "Why?"

"This is a weapon...against vampires."

After realizing what the device was, Elena called Stefan who met them in the classroom. Isobel told Elena she'd kill Jeremy if they didn't bring it to her.

"Where's the device?" Bonnie asked.

"Damon has it," Stefan said. "He's gonna be difficult to reason with."

"Then we'll talk to him. He's not just going to let her kill Jeremy" Chloe said.

"He's also not just going to hand it over," Stefan said. "Especially if it's harmful to vampires."

"What if it's not?" Elena asked.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asked.

"If you can take its power away then it won't do anything and we can give it to Isobel and she'll let Jeremy go," Elena said.

"Are you sure Damon'll even go for that?" Bonnie asked.

"He'll have to."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Absolutely not," Damon said, shaking his head. "Just hear us out" Elena sighed

"I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel so she can give it to John who's gonna turn around and kill me. I like being a living dead person" he said.

"But it'll be useless. Bonnie can take its power away" Chloe said.

"I don't trust her," Damon said.

"I can remove the original spell," Bonnie said.

"See," Chloe said. "John and Isobel will never know."

"No. No. I'll get Jeremy my own way" Damon said.

"Really?" Stefan asked. "How are you gonna do that? Hmm? Because Isobel is a vampire and Jeremy can be dead the second you walk in the door."

"Are you even up for this?" Damon asked, looking at Bonnie. "I mean no offense. You're no Emily Bennet. Emily knew what she was doing."

"She can do it, Damon," Chloe said. "We're wasting time. Just give us the device."

Damon shook his head still looking at Bonnie. "I don't trust you. I tried to kill you" he said.

"Hmm. You're right. You can't trust me" Bonnie smirked.

"But you can trust me," Chloe said, holding out her hand. "Please."

Damon looked into her eyes, trying to find any inkling that she might be lying. But he couldn't find anything.

With a sigh, he dug into his pocket before placing the device in her hand. Everyone noticed how his hand lingered for a little bit longer than it should.

"Thank you," Chloe said before handing the device over to Bonnie. Bonnie took it from her and placed it on the desk that sat in front of the fireplace.

They stood around as Bonnie prepared to break the spell. She placed three large candles in front of her and used her magic to light them. Carefully, she took out the inside piece of the device and placed it in front of her.

With her hands hovering over the small piece it slowly floated up, hovering in the air. The flame from the candles grew as the lights flickered around them. Chloe jumped as the flame in the fireplace grew before dying out completely.

Slowly the device came back down and Bonnie reattached it. "It's done," she said.

"What do we do now?" Damon asked.

"Now we give it to Isobel," Elena said. Bonnie left as everyone else prepared to meet up with Isobel.

Chloe couldn't help but think about what Bonnie had done to remove the spell from the device. It all just seemed too...simple.

"You okay?" Elena asked as she walked over.

"Yeah. Just thinking. We're sure Bonnie got rid of the spell right?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course. We saw her do it" Elena said.

"Right. You um, you don't need me for this part right? The handoff? I told Caroline I'd help her do some last-minute prep for tomorrow" Chloe said.

"No, uh, we'll be fine. I'll call you after" Elena said. Chloe nodded and grabbed her bag to head for the door. She barely made it out when Damon stopped her.

"Leaving already?" he asked.

"Why? Are you gonna miss me?" she asked.

"Well, you are the life of the party" he smirked. Chloe laughed and shook her head.

"I have to go help Caroline. I trust you and Stefan can help Elena with Isobel" she said and he nodded.

"Thanks, by the way," she said. "For trusting me."

"Pretty sure you're the only person in this town I do trust."


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