I'm gonna survive

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Rehn made his way carefully through the strips of jungle between him. His body still ached, but he carried on. "Sooner or later, I'm going to wake, I just have to", Rehn told himself in comfort. He made it to a shallow river. The River had sand strips, and black ash like wash marks up the sides. On one end (Rehns end), there was a jungle further inland, while on the other side, there was huge redwood forest. "I'm staying over here", Rehn told himself. It began getting dark and cold. Rehn needed to think of what to do, but he didn't know what. Then he remembered how he used to watch survival shows on television, but he couldn't remember much of it. "Well, I best get started."

Rehn saw an abundance of palm trees, even though he was near a river. He picked up a stone, and smashed it against the tree. Bark peeled off the more he hit. Rehn's palms were strained and blistered, but he kept going. "God, this is a freaking nightmare!" Once he'd collected enough, he used it to cover sticks he'd use to make a fire, as to keep himself from getting burned. He then grabbed two more stones, and rubbed them together.

The sun was almost completely lowered over the horizon, and it was getting colder. With one final smack, Rehn got a spark, wich turned into fire once it made contact with the thatch and wood. "YES!!!FIYAAA, HAHAHA, YES!!!" Rehn exclaimed and cheered. He put his hands close to the fire, and relaxed, once he felt relaxed, he plopped down onto the sandy floor, and drifted off to sleep.

THE LAND OF THE ARKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora