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Suitcase's POV



I was awoken by the horrid sound of my alarm clock. I remember that OJ had purchased it for me because I have trouble sleeping. And if I finally get to rest, I'll wake up 3 hours later than expected, so this was his only idea.

I kick the alarm clock to shut it up. It beeped even harder due to it. I now get out of bed, groaning. I look at the alarm clock. 8 AM. I have no idea why OJ set the timer to that horrid time. Man, it's a Saturday! We don't even have competitions this month, except the one on Wednesday!! Anyway, since it's snowing [V/N: It's mid-December for the confused ones.]

shuffle to the clothing rack, and headbutt it roughly to make my beanie fall right ontop of my handle. It isn't fun being armless, but hey, you get some priorities: People feel sorry for you and give you things, you get more attention than others do, and you're mostly the favorite of the fans. Fan pun intended. Anyway..


I'm rolling in the snow, laughing as i get attacked by snowballs thrown by Microphone and the other Grand Slams. We're having a huge snowball fight, and it didin't take long before the Bright Lights joined in too.


FAN: " Yeah!! We want to join aswell!!! "
He spoke with a pout. Our group stopped, giving eachother looks, and a few seconds later,

BASEBALL: " Then get on in! Last one standing wins free lunch at Gelatin's Steakhouse!! "

... And a few seconds later, everyone's throwing snowballs at eachother like crazy bulls. But I have a ingenious idea. I quickly run away from the huge group, and halt myself still pretty close. I now throw my body in the snow, kicking my legs to bury me deeper in the snow. Yes, it's cold, and I may have lost my beanie, but, hey! Suitcases don't get hypothermia.. I hope!

I hear yelling and laughing from the distance, although it's muffled from the thickness of the snow. [ V/N: 1.5 metre length. Yes, that's a hell lot of snow!! ] I bury myself deeper, because I hear someone approaching. Due to the speed and walking style of the object, I assume it's Nickel or Paintbrush. Either way, I should be able to-

" OW! "

Did I just get stepped on?! Oh well, I hope its worth for them! Although that hurt like sticking a needle into your eye.. Please don't ask how I know.


How long have I been in the snow? I lost count. The laughter is less severe than before, so I dig myself back up, getting a handful (get it?) of snow in my mouth. It tastes like... snow. Reasonable, yes. Back to the story! I now shake the remaining snow off my wood. I don't rot due to some extra protection spray 'n stuff. I hope, again. Oh well. I'm assuming everyone has left, due to the sound which died out atleast 5 minutes ago. I shuffle myself back to the hotel.

[529 WORDS]

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