"My father has said that before."

For the first time, you saw Hawks get stunned to silence.

You placed your bento box beside you next to your pouch of water. "The line between heroes and villains, I have found, is not very defined. Most of the time, both sides think they're fighting for the greater good. So, Hawks, how do you go about defining heroes and villains?"

"That's a good question." He took a while to reply. Actually, he never really did reply. He simply said, "I guess we're all just fighting for what we believe."

You simply nodded in response. "In very different ways."

Hawks sighed, deeper than the other sighs that were intertwined with this conversation.

You stared at the scars that poked through your sweater's sleeves, remembering who had made them. Burns from Dabi. Scratches from Toga. But not a single one was from Twice.

"Hawks, I don't recall you ever caring if people like or dislike you."

"I don't. Think what you think, I'm probably not gonna change."

"So why mention this?"

His mouth twisted into a frown. "I don't know. Maybe because you're probably in the right. Most if not all the things you argue about aren't opinions and more... philosophies."

"I was arguing about Gojo and Nanami before coming here."

"Okay, point taken."

"I'm not 20, I can have normally conversations."

"With your social skills?"

You elbowed him and he nearly toppled off the building. "With your status in the media?"

"That's low."

"You're the one who said that popularity is more important than anything."

You were quiet again. "Twice was someone with a good heart. He fought for a goal that wasn't ours. Is that really a grounds to kill someone?" You clasped your hands together in your lap. "Is anything really grounds to kill someone?"

"I guess not."

"Shigaraki often goes on rants about heroes, how they failed him. Midoriya, I heard, had won over Lady Nagant because he showed her that her goal was wrong. Shigaraki doesn't have anyone that did that. He thinks that the hero society is corrupt, with no true heroes. I wanted to show him somehow that it's not the case."

Hawks chuckled and stood, ruffling you hair. "You're pretty good at putting yourself in other people's shoes, huh?" And he flew off, sending a gust of wind through your hair.

You watched him soar through the air, getting further and further away. You decided that there was no point in trying to understand Hawks.

Or anyone for that matter.

As long as you understood yourself and what you fought for. After all, what's the point of fighting for it if you don't understand it?


You were flung off the building and crashed into the window right across from it.

Ice ColdDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora