Chapter 11

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(Alien Wasteland, Thor's POV)

I fall from a wormhole and hit a pile of dirt and debris, sending a cloud of dust into the air around me.

"What the....."

I look around and just see a large expanse of clutter. Deposited scrap metal and rubbish, all just left here to rot and decompose.

Why the hell am I here?


I turn swiftly to see some sort of creature dressed in rags looking right at me.


"You! Are you a fighter or are you food?"

"I'm uh, I'm just passing through."

I notice more of these things approaching from all sides. I instinctively hold out my hand to summon my beautiful hammer, but quickly remember that Hela destroyed it.

"It is food!" the thing addresses it's companions before turning back to me. "On your knees."

The leader of this group steps forward with some sort of rifle and swings it at my chest, knocking me flat on my back.

"Oh for god's sake," I wheeze as I push myself into a sitting position.

They all move in, ever so slowly, but they're all holding a type of gun or bat or sharp weapon.

"Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement?" I try one of Loki's favoured lines. Of course it doesn't work. Does it ever?

There's a breeze as a ship lands not too far away. It's dark blue, sleek, dangerous, and has the name Warsong painted on the side.

Nice ship.

The front of the aircraft opens, and the gangplank smoothly extends down to the ground. The whole group turns to look as a ruthless, sassy woman appears at the top. With..... alcohol?

She brings the bottle up to her mouth, quickly polishes off the rest of the liquid, then smashes the glass on the side of her ship.

"He's mine," are the first words to leave her mouth.

One step down the gangplank and she falls off the side, straight into a pile of rubbish.

My saviour is an alcoholic.


The other creatures clearly appear uninterested, and two of them grab my arms and start dragging me away.

"Hey!" she slurs, holding a piece of crap so she doesn't fall down again. "I said he's mine. So if you want him, you go through me."

"We got him already!" the leader snarls at her.

"Alright. I guess I'm going through you then."

She sighs then stands steady, holding her hands out in front of her in fists. With a subtle flick of her wrist, the ship behind her opens at the side, revealing two large guns.

"Bye bye," she grins then clenches her fists, and the guns start raining bullets down on the creatures. Within five seconds, every one of the things is obliterated into tiny smithereens around me. It's a miracle she didn't hit me.

"Thank you," I offer a beaming smile to her as she walks up to me. "Thank you very much."

She flicks something at me, and a small metal disc attaches itself to my neck. She holds up a small fob device with a smile of her own, "No problem."

With the press of a button, I'm filled with thousands of volts of electricity, my body stunned into paralysis, and I drift in and out of consciousness as she drags me towards her ship.

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