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Ashlyn walked into her room and threw her bookbag onto her bed.

She had finally gone back to school the past two days, and it was HORRIBLE.

Litterally everybody she walked by would stare at her.

The only thing that made this day better was that it was the dance.

It would start at six, so she had like three hours to prepare and get there.

She picked up the dress she had picked out with zia.

She held it up to her body, to kind of see how It would look on her.

It didn't look bad. But didn't look amazing on her either.

She sighed and put it back down.

She took her sweatshirt off, and briefly looked at herself in the mirror.

Healed scars covered her arms like thin bracelets.

Ones she would never be able to take off.

She quickly looked away, exhausted and ashamed from just looking at herself in the mirror.

Her self mutilation made her hate looking at herself now.

She sat at her desk, and stared at herself.

She took a deep breath, and grabbed her hairbrush.

She brushed through her hair, very obviously struggling even though she only had about a little more than a shoulder length of it left.

When she pulled the hairbrush away, alot of her hair had come out.

It wasn't very suprising, with how stressed she was, and how little she ate.

She continued to struggle through her hair, until it was all finally fully brushed.

She separated it, and began braiding the back part that wasn't her bangs.

She grabbed one of her hairties, a sage green one, and finished the braid.

She yawned, and brushed her bangs.

She was going to curl the little front pieces, when she could find her old curling iron.

She opened her jewelry box, and pulled out two earrings.

They were small chains with golden orbs at the end of the chain. (I REALLY DIDNT WANT TO TYPE "GOLDEN BALLS".)

They, along with a matching necklace, had been a gift from Taylor.

She grabbed the necklace, and stared at it in her hands.

She smiled, thinking back on the memory.

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