and then there were two.

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they were all on a mission, to a gun shop.

They had all just gotten inside.

Ashlyn panted, exhausted. "Me and aiden will go look at the guns. Ben, do you think you can keep the door shut?" She turned her head towards ben.

Ben nodded, and looked at aiden, who was very obviously staring at ashlyn.

"Aiden?? How does that sound to you?" Ashlyn stared back.

"Ah! Yeah, yeah! That sounds good--" He laughed nervously and looked away.

Ben gave aiden a knowing look.

Aiden was red.

Ashlyn grabbed his hand and walked over to the counter with the guns behind it, she hopped the counter and so did aiden.

Ben stayed behind, leaning against the door.

Aiden looked at Ashlyn, who was very obviously tearing up standing infront of a huge reminder of her brother.

Aiden got an idea, but he got too nervous to do it.

So he just stared.

"..Should we make a sawed off shotgun? I know they're pretty powerful." She finally spoke.

"Mhm. Sounds like a good idea!" He smiled at her.

Ashlyn went quiet again.

Aiden got closer to her.

"Hey ash?" He mumbled.

"What." She turned her head away from him.

Aiden put his hand on her shoulder.

She looked at him, and he cupped her cheek.

He kissed her.

Ashlyn stopped moving, but she didn't kiss back.

She pushed him away, wiping her mouth.

Aiden went quiet.

"Ashlyn im.. I'm sorry." He mumbled, trying to put his hand on her shoulder again.

She slapped his hand.

"Don't touch me." She mumbled and turned away from him.

"This was not the right time to try to put in a love confession." She said, louder.

Ben could hear them. He felt bad for aiden, but ashlyn was right. It was not the right time to try and confess.

Thousands of horrible thoughts ran through aidens head. He just stared at ashlyn as she looked at the guns.

He just looked away, tearing up.

The smile that's constantly plastered onto his face had now turned downward.

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