It's beautiful

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By the time Tk woke up the next morning, Carlos had already left. It was weird not being woken up by an alarm but he wasn't complaining as long as he could stay in bed all day. He grabbed one of their extra pillows and put it in between his legs, it really helped with hip pain, just as put it there he groaned, removing the pillow to get up and pee. "I was so comfortable, E, why kick my bladder?" He said as he washed his hands before walking to the kitchen to make some cereal. He sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote, resting his bowl on his stomach and stayed there for awhile watching tv. He texted with the 126 for awhile, the beginning of the conversation starting out with how he was doing. He started to get cramps so he started walking around a bit, doing some yoga and stretches. After a bit he decided that was enough, so he went on Amazon to order a yoga ball, he heard they were good for different stretches. Tk quickly became bored after that, he check his phone '11:32' am. Tk was going to go out, where? Who knows, but he changed, put his shoes on, got his keys, and went to Ann And Roy Butler Hike And Bike Trail. He put his headphones in and put on music, he walked around for awhile getting lost in the scenery and occasionally stopping to rest on a bench. He called Carlos around his usual break time, it took a a second for Carlos to respond which Tk didn't think to much of until he heard a lot of background noise and then sudden quietness. "Hey tiger, how you doing, is everything okay?" Tk smiled, "I'm just at the park taking a walk, I got bored, I think I'm going to go around town for a bit." There was something rustling in the background followed by a 'shh''. "Are you okay, babe?" "Yeah, I'm okay, T, I should get home a bit earlier." Tk was excited by the news, he knew he was going to be clingy when Carlos got home. It was around 1 when Tk decided that he was going to get an ice cream. He went out to a baby store and found some adorable onesies, his favorite two being a gray onesie that read 'If I refuse to nap is that resisting a rest?' And a white one that read 'Of course I'm cute look at my dad'. He made it to the door of the loft when he heard noise inside, he assumed it was just Carlos, he did say he was going to back earlier. When Tk opened the door he couldn't have expected what he saw. He saw the entire 126 crew, some of them were snacking and others were hovered around and in their guest room. "What the hell-?" As soon as Carlos saw Tk he hugged him, "Hey tiger, we've got a surprise for you," Tk was still shocked but now curious about the surprise. "Alright, but what is everyone doing here? There's work today," Tk said as he pulled to the guest room. "Everyone's here because we've been working since you left to put something together, close your eyes, okay?" Tk closed his eyes and opened them when he was told to. He was met with a beautiful sight, a baby nursery. It was simple and had so many qualities that he loved like the frame above the crib and the color scheme of everything, how it all tied together. "It's beautiful," he said picking up one of the baby toys, "it's perfect, he's gonna grow up in this room. This is our baby's room! Thank you everyone!" He said kissing Carlos's cheek before hugging his friends. Judd and Marjan were painting the crib while Mateo was organizing and setting the toys and Paul folded some baby clothes that everyone had bought for baby E. "What can I do to help?" Tk asked, "You best relax brother, you're already doing the most important job by carrying him," Judd said practically pushing Tk onto the gray loveseat in the nursery. Tk went down with barely any struggle, he was tired and didn't have the energy to protest. After a bit they finished the nursery and went out to the living room to cool down and celebrate. "You guys got any names yet?" Mateo asked, in response Tk nodded "Yeah we have, he has a name and no you don't get to know until he's born," to which everyone groaned. "C'mon Tk, you can't leave us in suspense," Paul said followed by many agreeing comments, "Yes we can" Tk said sticking his tongue out. They continued talking for a while longer before everyone went home leaving the couple alone in their once crowded home. Tk took Carlos back to the nursery, sitting on the loveseat and turning to Carlos "Just think, in 10 weeks we'll be sitting here again with a baby" Carlos smiled as he leaned down to Tk's stomach "I can't wait to meet you". The couple stayed there for a few more minutes before going to their room. "Wanna give us a few kicks, hm? Let us know you're in there baby?" Tk asked as he started poking around, after a second or two he started moving "There you are, look tiger, he wants us to let him go back to sleep" Carlos said with his hand on Tk's stomach where he received a kick to the hand. "I think he knows what's good for him, we should get to bed too," Tk said sleepily.

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