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Carlos was awaken by the sound of his omega vomiting his guts out in the bathroom. He checked his phone, 6:30 am. Tk's alarm must've gone off a bit ago considering when he walked into the bathroom, Tk had on his uniform pants and a white undershirt with his head halfway down the toilet. "Oh, T, why didn't you wake me, love?" Carlos rushed over to Tk's side, rubbing his back as the last of it came out. "I'm fine, just give me a second," Tk stood up going over to brush his teeth. "You're not okay, Tk, if you feel sick at all during your shift, tell Tommy to check you out or take off." Carlos looked at him with his Carlos Cow Eyes, silently begging him to take care of himself. Tk spit out the toothpaste, turning to look at his husband. "Carlos, babe, I can take care of myself." Tk walked out of the bathroom, finishing getting ready. Carlos just sighed knowing how stubborn Tk can be, he made sure to text Tommy telling her to keep an eye on Tk. "I love you, Tyler, have a good day and I'll see you later. Don't overwork yourself." Carlos told him as he left "Love you too, bye!" At the firehouse, Tk felt nauseous at times, having to step out conversations and taking a few seconds during calls. "Tk, hey, how are you feeling?" Tommy asked as they got back to the station. "I don't know, cap. I've been feeling kinda sick, but I don't think it's a bug or anything." He said smiling a bit as he talked to her. "C'mon, let's go get you checked out." After the mini checkup, Tommy declared that he was alright from what she saw and he just needed to rest. However, Tk knew that there was more than this, people don't just suddenly feel great one day and the next wanting to throw up every minute. He knew that for his sake, Carlos' sake mostly, he has to see a doctor, something's not right. He called up his doctor and arranged an appointment for tomorrow at 2:00. The next day when he was at the doctors, he was told some unexpected news and to say he was shocked, was an understatement. "Congratulations, Mr. Strand. You're 6 weeks pregnant. The feeling of an upset stomach is just morning sickness. Let me give you Dr. Monroe's number, he's a gynecologist." He passed Tk the number who put it in his pocket for safekeeping. Tk's head started spinning, they had almost always been safe. Was it really the best time for them to have a baby? Yes, he and Carlos had talked about having kids, but they both worked in dangerous and time consuming jobs. The doctor asked if he wanted an ultrasound, he agreed knowing that if he heard the baby's heart and saw it, he would fall in love immediately. And that's exactly what happened, listening to the heartbeat and see the pomegranate-seed-sized fetus. He took a few sonograms of the baby, one for his wallet, Carlos's wallet, and one for his dad. He was nervous to tell anyone what he had just been told, especially his alpha and his family. The 126 family were so protective of him, more Judd, considering they were the closest things to brothers. Carlos, his alpha, would love to have a child, but that didn't make it any more nerve racking telling him. He needed to let it sink in but he knew Carlos, how loving and considerate he was, would probably wait until Tk came to him with his thoughts. He went to the store, Carlos wouldn't get home for another few hours, so he decided he would surprise Carlos with the news of their baby. He bought a white newborn onesie with the words 'Hi Daddy! I can't wait to meet you!'. He bought a bag and tissue paper and when he put it all together, he had the perfect way to tell Carlos they were expecting. Carlos came home to a nice candle lit pizza dinner with a gift bag sitting on the table, Tk sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. "Hey baby," Tk got up hugging Carlos. "Hey, what's all of this?" Carlos asked curiously. "I need to talk to you, but let's go eat first." Carlos gave him a questioning look, but walked away to refresh himself. He showered and put on some more comfortable clothes and walked back to the dinner table. They ate and talked about different things, but Carlos could tell something was bothering Tk. Tk grabbed Carlos' hands and looked up at him. "Carlos, I went to the doctor today and they told me some news." Carlos look at him with worry in his eyes. "Is everything okay? You don't have cancer or problems from the hypothermia coma, do you?" Tk loves how Carlos worries about him and even though the coma is way behind them, there's always that chance. "We're okay, I'm okay, you're okay, the baby's okay." Once Carlos processed what he'd just been told, his eyes filled with tears. "You're pregnant. Omg, Tk, baby, you're pregnant!" He said getting up and embracing him in his arms. "I know, look in the bag." He said once he was able to breath again. Carlos opened the bag, finding the onesie and placing it on Tk's stomach, smiling. They shared a kiss, excited about starting this new journey with each other. After calming down a little, Tk spoke up. "Can we wait to tell the others? I want the baby to be out of the danger zone before we tell anyone." Carlos looked at him, "Of course we can, it's your body."

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