Telling the team (again)

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To celebrate the news of their baby boy, the couple went out to lunch, planning how they were going to tell their friends about the boy. They went out to Denny's, considering the appointment was pretty early. "Babe, we should have everyone guess what the baby is gonna be before we tell them, make things interesting." Tk said before the waiter took their order. When he left, Carlos turned back to  Tk, "Make it interesting, Tiger, do you want them to place bets or something?" Tk shook his head, "No, I just want to see what they think the gender is and we can tell them after. Spilt them up between team girl and team boy." The waiter came back with their food, enjoying each others company as they ate, occasional talk between them. "I still can't believe we're having a baby boy, we have get the nursery ready, babies can come early." Tk said finishing the last of his food, "I know tiger but we still have some time and we can start looking after our shifts." Tk really didn't want to go to work today, he just wanted to be with Carlos, but they both had shifts and being with the team in between calls isn't so bad. They went went home and got ready to leave, but when Tk finished getting dressed he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and after a few seconds it left as quickly as it came. "Mm- Carlos, baby, come 'ere for a sec!" Carlos came running in, "You okay, Tk? What happened?" He said with a worried face, "I don't know, I felt a pain in my stomach but it went away really quick. I think it was Braxton hicks, but I'm not sure," he said rubbing his stomach. "I read about this, Braxton hicks can start from 16 weeks" Carlos explained hugging and comforting Tk. After that everything was pretty normal, they were talking the entire drive and when they got to the firehouse, Carlos stayed for a few minutes. The entire time that they were both there, they were asked questions by the team like 'What's the sex?' and 'Did everything go okay?' Tk loved the way they were so loving and caring for the newest part of the family who wasn't even born yet. "Yes we're fine, I'm fine, baby's fine and no you don't get to know what it is yet." He said smiling. "Oh I gotta go, I'm gonna be late. I'll see you later tiger," Carlos said ending with a kiss to Tk's cheek. Tk went into the kitchen making small talk with Mateo and Marjan. "When do we know if it's a boy or not?" She asked looking at Tk as she sat at the island. "Wait, what makes you think that it's a boy? I think it's a girl and she's gonna make a hell of a kid." Mateo added. Tk's smile grew when he sat down and saw the two bickering over the gender of his baby. "Calm down you two, we're gonna do a get together and have people take sides before we tell the gender," He explained. Once again, Tk was stuck with desk duty all day, completely hating the fact that he couldn't be in on the action. He drank some tea and turned on the radio to listen in on calls while reading boyfriend material, he had taken up a bit of gay reading in his free time considering he couldn't do a lot at work. It was a pretty busy day and all day he had felt the baby moving and squirming. It was a bit uncomfortable, but when he was sitting just right, it wasn't too bad. "Having a dance party in there? Let's put some music on then," he said putting his headphones in. He put on a variety mix from 'I like big butts' to "Line without a hook' to 'We found love'. He and the baby had a good time, considering Baby E was moving more. Tk spent most of his day reading and listening to music, the team were barely at the station until about an hour before shift ended. When the team came back, they found Tk in the kitchen swaying his hips along with his music looking for something to sooth his cravings. "Hey Tk," Nancy said as she looked over his shoulder grabbing a granola bar. "Holy shit," he said softly while taking out his AirPods "you scared me." He set his hands on his stomach "You scared the baby, Nance" he said jokingly. Most of the 126 sat around the bar talking and joking after their day. "So Tk when do we get to know if I'm having a granddaughter or grandson?" Owen cut in. Suddenly the team got quiet and listened in. They had all asked the couple about the baby more times than they could count. "We want to see what you think the gender is before we reveal it, we're having a get together on Saturday." Just then Tk felt that pain again which he had learned were Braxton hicks. "Ugh-" he groaned out rubbing his stomach a bit. "Woah there, Tk, you ok?" Judd asked followed by some other concerned comments."Braxton hicks?" Tommy asked, she continued when Tk nodded "I used to get them all the time with the twins". "I read that some of them feel like mild period cramps, but I'm kinda missing a few pieces so I don't exactly know how they feel" he said smiling. Their shift ended quickly after that. Tk walked out with his jacket in hand, waving at Carlos who was parked outside. "Hey baby" Tk said leaning up to kiss Carlos who happily complied. Baby E kicked, showing his excitement to both of his dads. They pulled away, Carlos hands Tk's stomach, "Hello to you too, E". They got in the car and drove home, picking up so Chinese food on the way before going to bed. They spent the rest of the week planning on how to tell their friends, the had come up with a few ways and decided to go with a mix of things. Then finally came Saturday, everyone showed up excited and in blue or pink, except for one person. Owen showed up in purple. "You do know the colors are blue and pink, right cap?" Paul asked eyeing Owen, "haha" he said sarcastically "I'm going to love my grandkid no matter if it's a girl or a boy so I'm playing on both teams." Everyone came together and ate around the loft, but when it was time for dessert, the atmosphere changed a bit. Everyone was asked the same question by either Tk or Carlos "Girl or boy?".  Marjan, Tommy, Grace, Gabriel, and Nancy all said boy, Judd, Michelle, Mateo, Andrea, and Paul said girl, and Owen stayed neutral. They were each given a cupcake as they bit into it, the inner frosting would come out blue or pink but as they all bit into it, the frosting was white. One by one they finished their cupcakes until it came to Owen. Tk had made sure to leave the colorful one to his father, he had always been there for him and now he was going to be there for their baby- "Boy! It's blue, it's a boy!" He said enthusiastically, running up to Tk giving him a hug. Everyone shot up from their seats hugging Tk while Carlos and his parents had a moment "¡Un niñito! Que maravilla!" Andrea practically yelled in Carlos's ear when she hugged him. Gabriel didn't say much, but Carlos could see in his eyes how happy he was about having a grandson. The rest of their little party went smoothly with tons of excitement and cheers. Carlos was talking with Grace while Tk talked to his dad. "I'm so happy for you, Tk. And I'm so happy to be his grandpa," Owen said sentimentally. "Hey, Tk! I've got some boy clothes from when we thought Charlie was gonna be a boy," Judd said. The party continued on for a few more hours, Tk was easily the most tired person. He was so tired and was on the couch for the rest of the night, talking with his friends and resting his hands on his stomach. When everyone left, Carlos and Tk cleaned up before collapsing on the bed. "So tired" he said curling up under the blankets and pulling Carlos down with him. Tk fell asleep a few moments later, Carlos smiling down at his husband. "I love you, Tyler. I love you, E. Goodnight."

Authors Note
I think I messed up cause my writing wasn't showing after I published it so idk if this has been read

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