Chapter 5

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I woke up with my arms around chandlers shoulders and my legs around his torso and his head in the crook of my neck holding me close by my waist, his breath was slow and we were laying on our side. He was still asleep.

I looked over at the digital clock and it was 9:56am my mom was already home and I know she probably already saw us but I don't really care.

"Chan.." I whispered "chandler!" I whisper yelled and shook him a little bit.

"Hmm?" He groaned and buried his head in my neck more.

I giggled and I felt him smile against my neck "its 10:00 we gotta get up"

"1 more hour... please" he said pulling me in more and kissing down my neck and rubbing my lower back slowly

"I gotta go shower" I said getting up as he watched me pick up my towel and walk out the room


I came back in my room wrapped in my towel and chandler was sitting against my headboard with his hands behind his head looking over at me

"Shit. I forgot you was in here, cover your eyes" I said shaking my head

He faced the other way as I started getting dressed. I put on a pink bra to go with my pink contrast lace bow front cold shoulder sweater with my low rise white jean skirt and matching lace socks that go with my sweater with pink converse. I put on pink heart earrings some pink bracelets a pink necklace and I put in my nose ring and put on light makeup. I straightened my hair and threw in some curls like always.

"You can turn around now" I said.

"Nice outfit" he said smiling "ready to go ice skating?"


We went downstairs and my mom was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"You guys hungry?" She asked turning around giving us a smile

"Um I'm not.. Chan?" I asked looking at chandler

"No thank you, but Olivia if you get hungry we can go pick something up" he said giving me a soft smile

My mom raised her eyebrows and smiled "what a gentleman" she said turning back around

I shook my head walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek "bye mom love you"

"Waiiit where are you two going?"

"Chandlers taking me to go ice skating" I replied

"Oh alright, be back by midnight livi I love you"

"Love you too" I said as I walked out the front door.


Me and chandler went out on the ice as he was already wobbling.

"Goodness I'm gonna be falling every damn second" chandler said

I held both of his hands and went slow "just stay with me" I said laughing

I was facing him and he was facing me as I went backwards "seeee you got it"

And he tripped and fell "well I spoke too soon" I circled around him and smiled "you alright"

"Uugggghhh my back" he said getting up laughing

"Alright I'll go slower" I said grabbing his hands. some of his fans noticed and took videos of us but we didn't really care I knew I was going to get so much hate but it's alright cause their mad they aren't me.


After a while he got the hang of it but I still had to hold his hand to support his balance.

Someone requested a song and they played I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red.

The start of a new Beginning (Chandler Riggs)Where stories live. Discover now