As he looked deeply into her cerulean orbs he saw what could only be described as an ocean of emotions. Everything from fear and anxiety to happiness and gratitude, he could see it all in her eyes. And the more he looked, the more he felt that he could understand her even if the two of them hadn't spoken to one another.

On the other hand the young lady herself was also lost in the eyes of her savior. She had never been one to express her emotions and had long since lost hope of finding someone that would be able to see her for her. But standing right in front of her was the person she had been looking for. She could see it in his eyes that he was able to see through her emotionless face and........see her.

But she was also caught off guard as she looked into his eyes. For she was able to see pain and hurt clearly hidden inside of him, but those feelings were being overshadowed by his determination and hope. And the longer she looked into his eyes, the more she found herself also feeling that she could understand him without even needing to say anything.

"HEY! Are you two okay!?" came the voice of a paramedic who had seen the two young adults barely miss being sent to the afterlife. Hearing the voice of the newcomer both of them snapped out of the trances they found themselves in and soon were subjected to a quick check up to make sure nothing was wrong.

After they were given the go ahead to proceed with their day, both young adults found themselves awkwardly standing next to each other both unsure of what to do or say. "So...ugh...hopefully they catch that person" said Izuku awkwardly trying to spark a conversation.

But as he looked at the young lady, she just held her same expressionless face as she looked at him, although somewhat awkwardly as she was straining her neck to be able to look at him in his eyes.

"Cough......Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Izuku Midoriya" he said while stretching out his hand towards the girl. As she looked at the outstretched hand she slowly moved her own towards his until she gave him a light shake in acknowledgement. ".......Yui Kodai" said the girl in such an emotionless tone that it rivaled that of her emotionless face.

Giving his new companion a small smile Izuku began to gather the bags he had dropped and helped Yui pick up her items that had fallen when he had tackled her. "It was nice meeting you Kodai-san and I hope you have a safe evening" said Izuku as he began making his way back home. But as he walked he noticed that Yui hadn't moved from her spot and when he turned around he saw that she was indeed standing in the same spot just kept looking at him.

"Is something wrong Kodai-san?" he asked trying to see why the cute girl hadn't moved. However she didn't answer him so in attempt to see what was wrong Izuku walked back to where she was and was soon once again standing in front of her. Bending his knees he brought his face to her level and once again looked into the beautiful eyes that had captivated him before.

After staring for a few seconds Izuku let a smile come to his face. He soon stood back up and stood by the cute girls side.

Seeing him stand next to her the young beauty turned her head in his direction and slightly tilted her head as if asking what he was doing. Seeing her looking at him Izuku let out a small chuckle and responded to her unspoken question.

"You may not talk much Kodai-san, but I can see it in your eyes that you wish for me to stay with you a little longer" Hearing his answer  the stoic girl widened her eyes in surprise as she couldn't believe that he was able to know what she wanted even when she hadn't said anything. However she wasn't able to stay shocked for long as a rather loud stomach rumbling was heard.

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