Exploring Abandoned Military Base

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Today I'm actually looking forward to the video. We're going back to our old roots of exploring abandoned buildings. I used to do this all the time with Sam and Colby, then we got Elton and Corey involved and then Jake when Elton moved out.
Elton turns the camera on while we are in the RV
"Hello everyone. We don't normally start vehicles inside our motor home"
"Wait what? don't you mean our videos?" I tell Elton
"Why what did I say?"
"We don't normally start our vehicles inside our motor home" I lower my voice to try and sound like Elton
"We have a Kia behind us and we're going to turn it on inside here. It's gonna be lit" Corey jokes
"Sometimes my brain just doesn't work. Ok what I was meant to say was, we don't normally start or videos off in our motor home but as we are going to an abandoned military base which is connected to an active base we though it was best we start the video off here. Also this is Steve Ronin, he is joining us for the next 2 days. We are going to keep this as pitch black as we can so we will mainly be using night vision. There's a huge chance we might get caught. Also can we send that moustache back?" Elton shows the camera to Corbin
"Hey yours is looking a bit over grown as well" Corbin spits back
"I can always fix it" I smirk
"No no thank you"

We leave the RV and begin our walk towards the abandoned building. We first run across a road and walk along a fence until there's an opening. We squeeze through and we're in our first abandoned building
"That seemed way to easy" I tell the group
"Let's get deeper over to the other buildings" Elton says walking in front of the rest of us. We walk into another building where Elton tells us about the hospital
"I say we go straight there" Corbin says
"I've been here before with Sam and Colby like 3 years ago or something. The houses were crazy so if we can get into the hospital that would be amazing. The name of the mission is get to the hospital"
"Can't we name it something cooler?" Brandon asks
"Errm err. Mission inhospital"

We leave the building and head over to another one trying to gradually work our way to the hospital
"I'm getting my work out for the day" I whisper making Corey laugh
"Shhh shit. There's a helicopter" Elton says instantly making me nervous "that helicopter might be coming our way"
"Ohh that's not good. We need to get under cover" I say to the group and instantly we head for cover in one of the houses
"That's something in my shoe" Corey says as we get into the house. He takes off his shoe then realises it's actually something that's gone through his shoe and poking his foot "dude that literally gone through my shoe"
"Is your food ok?" Corbin asks
"I have a plaster you can put over the bit inside" I suggest. Corey agrees and we sort out his shoe before leaving the abandoned house
"This is an active road. See there's a cop...." it then hits Elton what he said "shit it's cop car. We dive into another building and hear an alarm "that was a patrolling cop car"
"You think we should head back to the RV?" Corey asks Elton worry laced in his voice
"If we can get back. I'll look if we're clear hang on" Elton ventures out the house, but quickly returns "car car car" we hid avoiding the windows
"He's parked right here" Elton says
"Stay quiet" Corey pulls me over to him
"I don't know where he's gone"
"You wanna head over to the hospital?" Corey asks
"Well if I'm gonna get caught trying to go to the hospital" again as we try to leave a car comes out of nowhere again
"Ok I'm no longer excited for these videos. Take me back to the haunted building" I laugh
"Let's go now" Elton says and we buck it to the hospital "watch out for these holes"
"This is huge" I gasp at how big the building is.

We go down a staircase, exploring around
"I can't believe we almost missed this" Elton says
"Why is there a fucking noose?" I point to the floor
"Fucking hell" Brandon breaths out
"Let's keep moving" Elton pushes, probably wanting to do this as quickly as we possibly can. We go to walk passed a room but notice Corey stood in the corner. He turns around
"Ah Mr Reinhardt are you here for your check up? come take a seat. How have you been? your balls dropped?"
"I hope so"
"Ok do me a favour and cough" Corey takes Corbins leg and squeezes his knee "cough for me. And cough. Cough. Fuck it's gonorrhoea"
"Don't worry I know just what to do" Corey picks up his torch "open up for me" Corbin opens his mouth "now the other way" Corbin turns around "I see the problem. It's termites" he brushes off Corbins but. Coreys skit continues making me laugh a lot.

After exploring the building we head back back to the RV, thankfully we get back with just some minor running and avoiding. Elton does his outtro
"How is your issues doing?" Elton asks Corbin
"Oh it's doing very well. I'm going to go to a different doctor though"
"For a second opinion?" I ask
"What was wrong with the first doctor?" Elton asks. Corey looks super annoyed
"Well heres the thing he might be a little dyslexic because he doesn't remember anything"
"Why does being dyslexic mean you don't remember anything?" Elton also making us all laugh
"I broke my head Elton. A while back"
Elton finishes up and I get ready for bed. I can actually go to sleep before 3am and not worry about demons! now that's a win in my books.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now