All were almost perfectly identical in look and character but one was d/t.
That one was Gemini.

He didn't seem any less android-ish than the others but by using her sharp observation skills Sag was able to discover that he wasn't like the others.

This would be a great place to add a mystery solved by "detective" Sag plot with lots of twists.

Whatever at the end of the day it is revealed that Gemini not only has emotions/soul(instead of programming) but could also make other clones by spreading his consciousness.

He lived pretending to be like the others b/c of fear of not being needed or wanted by the others.Others might have seen him as an unnatural anomaly but Sag saw him as a big bag of *Ca-shing*(Cash).

She assures him that his powers were unique and good and that she needed him to win the tournament.

He happily joins her team since helping others was what he did best.

In the name of Leo protecting his land,Gemini helping humanity and Sag making some serious dough they embark on the Constellation quest.

Orion never stood a chance against Sag's strategy,Leos ferocity and Gemini's army.

They took him down and became the Orion Hunters before going to the tournament.

4. Ursa Ultra

Virgo was the saint of this story.

She was raised in a nunnery in the cathedral of Virginia Capital kingdom.

Everybody loved her and she loved everybody.A real disney princess.

She was surrounded with good but she knew there were darkness in the world too so she learned healing abilities to heal and support others.

She left her home to go and do what she can for the world.

She took a job healing the wounded in the Scales Kingdom.(It was an ally warrior state of the peaceful Virginia kingdom.Her help was most needed there.)

There she met Libra a woman with a troubled past.

Libras parents were court officials who drilled her into becoming an instrument of justice.She developed strong ideals of fairness and equality.

She had an exceptional fighting ability that she gave herself handicaps like blindfolding herself and holding sword with her non-dominant hand to make it fair for her opponents.Still she was light years ahead of them.

Libra became a law officer and having seen the injustice in the world decided to take it upon herself to make the world right.

She proved to be the shining light of the kingdom.It's pride and protector.They gave her the right to be judge,jury and executioner.I know this concept is suppose to be bad but it was legal and she used it right.She captured and passed judgement on criminals (Warning,fines, imprisonment or death based on the crime and circumstances) never abusing her power.

Unlike someother people.In the course of her investigation she discovers that her parents were corrupt and imprisons them.

She didn't falter from doing what is right but it left a bitter taste in her mouth.If the people that she looked up to were corrupt then there really was no one righteous in the world.

Or so she thought till she met Virgo.
They met when Virgo healed some light injuries that Libra suffered b/c lack of focus.Virgo healed it easily but was concerned that the invincible hero of the land was having trouble focusing.
Libra assures her that she was fit to do her duties and that she need not worry but Virgo said she was concerned about Libra not worried about her own safety.

Libra is touched by the child's concern but waves it off.

Later Virgo is kidnapped by traitors who wished to sell her and her healing abilities to enemy states for a fortune.

Bad move.Libra crashes into their hideout and trashes them in 3 seconds flat.

Virgo was so scared and cried gratefully when Libra rescued her but when Libra judges the traitors worthy of death Virgo stops her and tells her mercy is greater than judgement.She even heals the wounds of her captors and talks with them kindly.Seconds later they were apologizing profusely and turning themselves over to the authorities.

Libra was amazed that Virgo could forgive those that scared and harmed her so much.Not to mention she was awed at her ability to change a wicked heart to good.

Libra saw her as a beacon of hope, righteousness and all that is good.

In return Virgo saw Libra as an indomitable hero straight out of a fairy tale.

From then on Libra was assigned to be Virgo's personal bodyguard and those two grew as close as mother and daughter.

This would have been a nice happy ending if the giant bear hadn't attacked.

Yep a giant bear the size of a house showed up and started attacking the walls of the kingdom.

The hero of the kingdom Libra was sent
to defeat it.

After a long battle from which she sustained many injuries Libra won.

But that was just the beginning of her troubles.

A lady riding on floating water and reading a book appeared.

When Libra confronted her the lady introduces herself as Aquarius the most powerful being to ever live.

Humble ain't she?

But let's see Aquarius's backstory.

She was born in a backwater village near a river.Still from birth her power was evident.She finished every fight she fought in an instant.

She redirected rivers that were about to flood villages, sunk enemy fleets made it rain in dry season and completed many other extraordinary feats.

The people practically worshipped her and she didn't stop them.She never really cared for other people.She considered them ants compared to her.

She considered herself higher than any other being there is.And when she found about the Zenith Tournament she found the place to prove she was the most powerful being there is.

Aquarius explains that she had single handedly captured the the Ursa Beast and set it on the kingdom as a test to choose if there is one that is worthy to join her team.

Libra is furious and decides to judge Aquarius.

Aquarius simply laughs and reveals that the previous beast of just an Ursa minor and th real test began now.
She floates a sphere of water to the ground and it pops to reveal an Ursa major a bear 10-times bigger than the last one.

Libra was already injured from fighting the first bear so taking on the next was impossible.

Still she held her ground and faced the beast.

She would have been in so much trouble if Virgo hadn't bravely came to help her despite Libra's protest that it's too dangerous.

Virgo clung on Libra's back and continuously healed and re-energized
Libra while she fought the beast.

It was a huge ordeal but with her wounds healing fast Libra was able to fully focus on offense and defeat the Ursa major.

Aquarius congratulates them and states that even if it took them this long to do something she did in one hit she would allow them to join her team.

Libra refuses and attacks Aquarius stating that she will judge her for bringing the beast to her kingdom for the dumbest reason.

Aquarius threatens to flood the entire kingdom if they didn't obey her supreme will.

They are about to clash when Virgo intervenes.

She tells Libra that they should avoid more violence.She happily agrees to join Aquarius's team.Libra accepts for Virgo's and the kingdom's sake tho she hoped she will get a chance to face and defeate Aquarius in the tournament.

And thus the uneasy alliance that is team Ursa Ultra was formed.

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