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Pssppspsospspsps smg34 fans ch6 is here pspspspspspspspsspsopsos

Sorry for the wait but i've had ideas bubbling and brewing in my head and eventually I managed to cook them out, anyways enjoy.

Also I didn't like the way the original chapter 6 was written so I just kind of made it a special, like Christmas or something, just. Without the Christmas.

Oh yeah. Worth mentioning this takes place after the revelation arc, not sure when but yeah. So if you imagine them as their new designs go ahead c; there may be some things that contradict that (I did begin to write this fic before the lawsuit arc) but whatever.

((3rd person))

It was in the evening, 4 sat at his desk.

Casually looking through memes and what not, smiling to himself occasionally when he remembered what happened earlier between him and 3. Then 4 paused, they haven't exactly told Mario... only Saiko, Bob, Meggy, Tari and Melony... it was only those 5 they told. It was very awkward when they told them — at least they were supportive — so imagine telling Mario.

Smg4 reached for his phone and called 3.

It rang, then 3 picked up. "Hey 3," he said.


Even though they were officially together now.. hearing his voice still made him all fluttery, look at yourself 4, your so miserably in love.

"So us.. we haven't told Mario about us.." smg4 managed to stutter.

He heard 3 audibly sigh through the phone "shit.. your right.." there was a pause. "So we tell him?"

"Well, obviously I would think." 4 said, sarcastically. "So how would we tell him...? Like... throw a party with a bunch of balloons that say '4 and 3 are in love!!' or something?" 3 said, 4 laughed at the thought. "We just tell him normally?"

3 sighed, with a hint of relief. "Yeah, just call me over when you decide when we do that."

"Okay." 4 was about to hang up. " you." He pressed the button and got up from his chair in a sweat. LOVE YOU????? LOVE YOU?!?!? He did mean it but.. WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?? He held his red face in his hands as he pranced around his room.

When could they tell Mario? 4 looked up, he wondered if Mario was still in the castle. In somewhat kind of something a spy would do in a cartoon, 4 peeked through his door into the castles main room. Sure enough, Mario was there, just kind of.. sitting...?

Four emerged from his room, walking over to Mario to inspect what he was doing. Mario's eyes glued to the tv.

Smg4 sighed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was even holding. This was 4's best friend. Why was he so afraid to tell him that he liked 3? Well Mario did catch them in the igloo.. doing.. stuff.., and.. continuously teased 4 and 3... so yeah why was 4 so afraid? Then again, telling someone you're dating someone after being rivals with them for like 10 years is something you yourself wouldn't even expect.

Mario, not even paying attention that 4 was there, kept his eyes on the tv, playing whatever channel that had Mario stuck like cement to his seat. "Mario..?" Smg4 tried hiding the nervous tone in his voice, failing.

Mario jumped a bit, jerking his head over to 4. Looking puzzled, very suspicious as well "yesss...?" He stared at 4. "Me.. and 3 have something to tell you," 4 stared back. Mario looked around, "is the 3 in the room with us right now?" 4 felt like an idiot from the way he worded that.

"Ah- I'll call him." 4 stepped back and took out his phone.

He put the speaker to his ear, covering it almost so Mario wouldn't hear. Not like he'd be paying attention anyways. In a quick second, like 3 knew that 4 would call, he answered. "Hi!" 3 sounded like a nervous wreck, 4 couldn't blame him. "Hey- uh.. we should tell Mario.. right now."

"Right now..?" 3 repeated to himself quietly, "Yeah sure, sure I'll be right there."

"Cool, yeah..  cool." 4 said. The phone call turning into an awkward silence.

" you." 3 hung up immediately after, as to maybe tease 4 from what happened earlier. Four felt his face warm up at those words. Completely taken aback.

A moment later, 3 showed up. Looking just as red as 4 did. Mario looked over at them, waiting for some sort of moving speech or whatever they had planned. From the way this was set up, mostly cause of how nervous 4 and 3 were, it seemed like parents telling their kid they're getting a divorce, but here it's a more.. way more happier note.

"So er.. Mario, my guy.." 3 started. "Me and 4 we've.. hung out a lot lately and uh.. we wanted to tell you .. something.."

3 looked at 4, like they had planned this out. They didn't of course. "Uh- yeah. Mario, 3 and I.."4 trailed off. Mario seemed to get agitated, itching to get back to what he was watching.

"Listen Mario, we're dating.. me and 3." Smg4 put it bluntly.

"Is that all?" Mario looked at them, a disappointed look on his face emerged.

"Wh- what.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IS THAT ALL???" smg4 asked, very confused. expecting this conversation to be climatic. "I thought you two were already dating since we saved the world from that blue thing and that emo guy."

"I-" Smg4 felt embarrassed.

"Plus me and Luigi did kind of see you kiss smg3 outside yesterday or whatever. It's pretty obvious" he turned back. "Oh.. that saw.. that.." smg3 covered his face, in a somewhat attempt to hide the redness.

Well at least Mario approved, 4 thought. Despite how flustered he felt from how he already thought they were dating. Even more so as he wondered if other people thought that too.

3 and 4 sat across from each other in fours room.

"So... you love me..?" 3 asked, in a somewhat teasing tone. 4 felt his heart race, "Ahh..." he looked down, then back up. "Yeah.." he replied, his face becoming a dark shade of red.

They smiled at each other, they'd never expected to feel this way.

The room stayed almost silent for a long time, the lightbulb above hummed quietly. Smg4's pc occasionally making random noises. Mario from outside the room blasting whatever the hell he wanted.

Three reached his hand out to hold Four's.

They both, almost subconsciously, leaned in together.

Oh..., was this....

was this really happening..?

Their faces, just inches apart, both began to turn shades of pink and red.

this was happening.

they stayed like that, embracing the moment. Looking at the floor, then back into each others eyes for a split second then away again. Four letting out a slight laugh.

Then 3 looked up.

He leaned in. Leaving a soft peck, nothing more. 4's breath hitched in his throat. 3 felt like he was about to pop like a balloon. Four didn't know what to say, maybe he didn't need to say anything. He looked up at the other, who was already looking back.

He let out another quiet giggle, leaning forward to press his forehead against the others.

It was even more silent. But who cares, 3 thought if could be stuck like this forever, he wouldn't mind at all.

They got lost in their own thoughts, but it got quiet. Like they were the only ones to exist.

Both closed their eyes. Not knowing and not caring how much time had passed.

4 didn't really believe in soulmates, but 3 definitely had to be his.

(How was that :]?)

Smg34 fanfic except I suck at writing.Where stories live. Discover now