Ch. 1

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Idfk I saw cringy ass smg34 fanfics so like why not make some myself 😔😔
this is like based around "snow trapped" if you haven't watched that smg4 video you should cause that's literally the key part in this disaster.

This is cringe so you should probably leave. I mean it...

So uh... 😟

3rd person pov?

Even though Melony graduated, the others haven't, they came back from their lame ass break for the rest of the semester.
Smg4 and Smg3 aren't exactly the best buds but as long as smg3 gets to have the power he wants then he's willing to hold hands with his arch enemy. Which, y'know, they're required to do to use the power.

Smg4 was arriving back from training one day, then he caught Mario doing something, "What the fu- MARIO! WHAT THE HELL???" 4 had caught Mario trying to look at spaghetti pics (again, idk forgive me for my lack of creativeness I would have made him shove it up his arse but I didnt, you should be glad I didn't)

Smg4 was recording for some reason at the time. Mario noticed Smg4's phone in his hand. Which ultimately sent him into a manic. He began to beg Smg4 not to show anyone.
"PLEASE- PLEASEEEEEEEE MARIO WILL BE MADE FUN OF-" He frantically yelled and pleaded, 4 rolled his eyes.

Mario, pulling this out of no where "I'LL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THE IGLOO IF YOU DONT SHOW ANYONE"

4 paused, taking a moment to process, the igloo? Mario just ran out of the room. 4 tried to recall an igloo. Or something similar to it. Why did Mario mention it?

Smg4 sat at his desk later that day, still thinking what Mario meant by that.

Then he remembered, oh HE REMEMBERED. He had a brief thought of Smg3 and that horrible day came flooding back.

4 immediately regret thinking about it. Was it the poor air conditioning or was he genuinely warming up? You can guess how flushed his face was getting just thinking about it.

He attempted (horribly failing) to not think about it.

Mario and Smg4 arrived at the college place. (didn't 4 already go to college or something or am I just really dumb 😔) expecting 3 to be late, he rushed to wherever the training place is.
And 3 showed up.

(Oh shit the lovey sappy stuff is kicking in leave now in case you will cringe, I did while writing so YOU SHOULD.)

4 and 3 practiced for their exam together (which 1 and 2 assigned to them.) and were challenged to try without any assistance.

They practiced for a while, then decided to take a quick break. Sitting at the bench nearby and watching the other students.

4 decided, maybe he should ask 3 if he.. remembered the igloo as well? It might be worth a shot. Or whatever.

"Hey um.. do you..remember when you tried to kill me then... we got stuck in an igloo?"

3 looked confused "No..? Doesn't ring a bell." Well.. 3 has tried to murder 4 many times before, so it'd be easy to forget at least one, right..?
4 sighed of relief, thank god only he had to deal with this embarrassment.

*skip to like after or some shit*

3 sat at his desk, rather panicked and so, so embarrassed. "HOW THE HELL CAN HE REMEMBER THAT? THAT HAPPENED LIKE SO LONG AGO." Smg3 ranted, to nobody. He stood up from his chair and walked around his room in a blaze.

Well. Maybe he could pretend to not know? Oh yeah that would totally work 3, it would be so easy to keep it up and not die a little inside when you remember a certain event in a certain igloo.

Should he tell 4? He wondered, where would that get him? More embarrassment definitely!

He just couldn't think right now.

4 stood by his bed, wondering, needing an answer. He questioned if this would make it awkward between him and Smg3, and if he could make it.. less awkward..?

Then he began to think, how long has Mario known about this and why hasn't he said anything about it until now? Why the hell did he mention it at all actually. He bitterly thought.

3 had made a decision, he held his phone in his hand, about to dial 4. Was this a good idea? Probably not! But he figured that 4 had to know that he knew... and that he knew for a while actually.

After some courage, he finally dialed smg4.

He heard it ring.

Then it picked up.

That's it (*_*)...

Smg34 fanfic except I suck at writing.Where stories live. Discover now