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Contrary to what most people might believe, Donghyuck usually wasn't too fond of parties.

He might be an extrovert, and he did love meeting new people, but something about being in a house packed full of drunk seniors that were dancing to music that was blasting way too loud was setting him on edge. He kept a tight grip on Jaemin's hand as they wandered around the house, and he found himself missing Mark's comforting presence more than ever. He really should've tried to insist on staying as Mark's partner in their designated buddy system.

"I love this song!" Jaemin shouted at him over the music, letting go of Donghyuck's hand briefly in order to throw his hands up in the air and flail wildly to the beat of the song "Dammn Baby" by Janet Jackson that was currently playing. Donghyuck just snorted and rolled his eyes fondly. A party like this is exactly where someone like Jaemin thrived—Donghyuck is pretty sure Jaemin is the only person he knows who could possibly think it's fun to be the only sober person in a room full of drunk idiots.

"Holy shit, Jaem, look," Donghyuck gasped, pointing to a corner of the room that had caught his eye. There was a couple making out wildly against the wall, the guy's shirt pulled halfway off his torso while his hand was sliding obviously up inside the girl's skirt. Jaemin froze, apparently just as shocked at Donghyuck was, judging by the way he slowly turned to face his friend with a much less excited look on his face.

"Jesus, do they have no shame?" Jaemin commented, covering Donghyuck's eyes as if he was a child that needed to be protected. The brunette scoffed and yanked Jaemin's hand away, shooting his friend a nasty glare.

"You should know by now that shame no longer exists once you're at a high school party with alcohol," Donghyuck remarked, cringing as the couple continued to only get more vulgar in their make out session. "In any case, I don't feel like being traumatized today, so I suggest we get the fuck out of here before they start having actual wall sex."

Jaemin giggled at Donghyuck's comment, nodding his agreement before he took hold of the brunette's hand once again and dragged them both through the sea of seniors and into the next room.

"I think upstairs might be a little more chill, should we go check it out?" Jaemin suggested, sweeping his gaze over the crowd of rowdy students in the room that they had just entered.

"Please," Donghyuck agreed, nodding vehemently and allowing Jaemin to drag him up the steps of the house.

They spotted Mark, Jeno, and Renjun almost immediately as soon as they got upstairs, and Donghyuck felt relief wash over him like a tidal wave. Him and Jaemin both smiled and waved at them before making their way over to cling on to the much needed familiarity of their friends.

"People are, like, seriously getting it on down there," Jaemin said as soon as he was in earshot of the other three. Mark's eyes widened in shock—bless his heart—while Jeno and Renjun just chuckled.

"Like... like... for real?" Mark squeaked. Donghyuck pursed his lips and nodded his head emphatically.

"It was like, borderline public indecency. I could see the guys hand go into that girl's underwear... it was terrible," Donghyuck shuddered. Something unidentifiable suddenly crossed over Mark's face as he spoke, and Donghyuck turned to look at his friend in confusion. He had expected the story to at least be amusing, but Mark looked anything but amused, and he was having trouble trying to decipher what emotions were going through Mark's head.

"Cool it," Donghyuck heard Renjun whisper in Mark's ear. The older boy's shoulders lowered slowly, but his eyebrows were still furrowed. Donghyuck suddenly felt like a fish out of water among a group of people that he was supposed to know better than anyone.

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