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"Stop pouting, you big baby."

Donghyuck scowled at Jaemin from his spot across the room, half heartedly chucking a pillow from his bed in his direction. Jaemin caught it with ease, preventing it from flying into Donghyuck's bookshelf and knocking everything over.

"It's not working," Donghyuck whined, burying his face into the mattress beneath him, "Mark was supposed to get mad at you, he was supposed to stake his claim over me or something. But that idiot said he's happy for us."

"Donghyuck, we literally just revealed our fake relationship yesterday. We still have the rest of the week, Mark is the kind of person who needs time to sort out his feelings. He probably still doesn't even know how he truly feels about us dating."

"Stupid Mark," Donghyuck grumbled, in stark contrast to the way he was gently cradling Minnie the teddy bear in his arms and tracing over his embroidered face with a loving finger. Jaemin just scoffed at him.

"Okay fine, if throwing a tantrum about it makes you feel better, than by all means, be my guest," Jaemin sighed, throwing his hands up in defeat. Donghyuck looked up at him and pouted, motioning for him to come closer. Jaemin complied, sitting next to Donghyuck on the bed.

"What do we do for the rest of the week, then? We just flirt and act all lovey dovey and hope that Mark reacts?" Donghyuck said quietly, and the taller boy just shrugged.

"That's the plan for now. If you ever wanna up the ante, I could always leave a hickey on your neck," Jaemin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Mark's head might explode if he sees something like that."

"Gross, that would just make things weird," Donghyuck scowled, shoving at Jaemin's shoulders.

"It's only weird if you make it weird," Jaemin scoffed back, flopping down onto the bed next to Donghyuck. "We both know there's no real feelings between us, but we gotta make it convincing, right? The acting part of it is the most fun."

"You're sick in the head," the smaller boy giggled, looking up at his friend curiously, "I really don't understand how this whole thing isn't super awkward for you. I almost gagged yesterday at lunch when you pinched my cheek and tried to kiss me goodbye."

"I just don't think into it too deeply, obviously," Jaemin said nonchalantly, as if it really was that obvious. "If I go into it thinking 'this is my friend that I have no feelings for', then of course it'll feel awkward. So I don't, I go into it thinking like we're just playing a fun little game, nothing serious attached."

"You're so interesting, your brain works in such mysterious ways," Donghyuck murmured, looking up at Jaemin with his eyes narrowed. Jaemin gave him a sleazy grin and shrugged.

Before either of them could open their mouths to continue the conversation, Donghyuck's phone buzzed. Curious, the brunette sat up and reached for it on his night stand, opening it and looking at the notification.

"Shit, it's Mark," Donghyuck hissed, looking down at Jaemin. The taller boy sat up and peered over Donghyuck's shoulder, looking down at his phone screen.

 The taller boy sat up and peered over Donghyuck's shoulder, looking down at his phone screen

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