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"Wow, the first major senior party of the year, and we of all people received an invite!" Renjun chirped, grinning at himself in the mirror as he applied a layer of tinted lip oil.

All five of them were gathered in Renjun's bedroom—because he had the most space, and also the largest collection of clothes and makeup—to discuss the party that would be taking place the next day and plan their outfits, as well as work out details like transportation and a possible buddy system for safety measures.

"Are we gonna be, like, the only juniors there?" Jeno chimed in nervously, holding up a leather jacket against his frame as he looked at his reflection in Renjun's floor length mirror. Judging by the way his nose wrinkled in distaste, it was safe to assume that the leather jacket would not be making its debut at the party.

"I don't know, to be honest. I don't know if anybody else asked about it," Mark admitted candidly, scratching at the side of his neck. He was sat on the edge of Renjun's bed, watching quietly as his other four friends scrambled around the room in search of appropriate party outfits.

"It's just like any other party, right? I don't think we have much to worry about," Donghyuck hummed, pulling the leather jacket out of Jeno's hands and holding it up to himself instead. A wide smirk spread across his face as he examined himself, clearly feeling it. Renjun threw Donghyuck an approving thumbs up over his shoulder. Mark didn't really know why, but imagining Donghyuck in that leather jacket made him feel a little weak in the knees.

"Hyuckie!" Jaemin cooed, bouncing forward and wrapping his arms around Donghyuck's torso. It was like ice cold water had been dumped down Mark's back, giving him clarity almost immediately. He shook his thoughts out of his head and tried not to stare at Donghyuck and Jaemin—it oddly just made him want to punch Jaemin in the face the more he looked at them together.

"We should match outfits! Wouldn't that be cute?" Jaemin hummed, resting his head on Donghyuck's shoulder. Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his blonde friend.

"Huh? Why?" He said dumbly. Renjun and Jeno both stopped what they were doing, both turning to shoot Donghyuck a significant look, almost like a warning. Mark watched them all in confusion.

"Uh... 'cause he's your boyfriend? He wants to do a couple's outfit, Hyuck," Mark said. Donghyuck's eyes went wide, his face turning red.

"Oh yeah! Duh, of course," he laughed awkwardly, slinging an arm over Jaemin's shoulders, "yeah, we can match outfits. That's a great idea, babe."

Mark flinched at the use of the pet name. He tried to be subtle about it, but judging by the look on Jeno's face, he knew he had failed.

"Anyways!" Mark said quickly, clapping loudly to regain attention. All eyes in the room turned back to him. "It may just seem like just another party to you all, but the senior parties are known to be kind of intense. They'll have alcohol there too, but please, for the love of god, don't drink any of it. I don't want to have to be responsible for a bunch of drunk eighteen year olds."

"Aye aye, captain," Jaemin joked, giving Mark a mock salute through the reflection of the mirror with the hand that was not resting on Donghyuck's hip. Mark rolled his eyes at him, trying not to let his gaze linger on the fingers splayed across his best friend's waist.

"We should probably make use of the buddy system, just in case," Renjun hummed, opening a recently purchased bottle of liquid blush and testing it on the back of his hand. Apparently the results were quite pleasing, based off of the approving hum he let out. "How should we partner up? There's gonna have to be one trio."

"Jaemin and Donghyuck are an obvious pair," Jeno snorted, looking pointedly at their two friends. Jaemin was still clinging tightly to Donghyuck, even as the brunette scowled playfully and tried to squirm out of his grip. "I guess you, me, and Mark could be the trio?"

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