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I took a deep breathe as i reviewed the detailed contracts... what could anyone want this war for? What's it going to do? But then again they could have a good point here with the fact we are always arguing. But war? No, just, no thats too much...

The door swung open and i saw my gorgeous friend's face. "Max! My man! How was the trip?"
"Boring as hell. Everyone was just sitting bored in random conference rooms and listened to random lectures. Some guy said there was an issue with the tax payment in the U.S. and thats when i realized i was in the wrong room."
"Damn, any hot girls there, buddy?"
"I mean there was this girl that was stealing everyone's attention, but i dont think she really wanted it. And i think it was just cause she had her boobs sticking out, i mean i will say i did like just staring at 'em but man, put those guns away. Plus she didn't seem very special, look wise. She dressed like every other business woman. Her friend though, damn i could've use a good look at that girls face. She has these loose ripped jeans on but you could still define that she had amazing curves. She had long blonde hair, too. And her nails matched mine. Just stick a cigarette in her hands and I'm in love. She didn't look at anyone though. It was weird almost as if she was hiding her face."
"Or she is putting on a show, Max. Women do stuff like that. Their weird."
"You tell me, Beck."

Max scoffed and i could tell he was annoyed so i didn't push farther with this subject. He seemed oddly sensitive, though.

"How have things been here with the mafia, Beck?"
"Everything has been fine but my father is still pressuring me about how i need to find a woman."
"Damn man thats rough. Im sorry."
"Its fine its just i want a woman who is like strong and he wants me with these pretty little girls who are for show."
"He wants y'all to have the classic old fashioned life, Beck. I see where he's coming from because you of all people seem like the guy who would want a girl who seems like a throw back. He just wants you to be happy. Dont stress the old man so much. He will come around."

Ive always loved how level headed my friend was. He could calm me down at any moment and i wouldn't realize i was stressed till he did. He took me into his warm embrace and we went to go throw a ball with some of the mafia kids.
"Yes, Beck?"
"That party is next week,right?"
"Yes, sir."
"And we have invited everyone in the city?"
"Yes. Beck, dont worry. Chances are some gorgeous girl will walk in and you can sweep her off her feet. I mean every girl loves you so you will have no problem getting your pick."
"Ha ha ha, your so funny Max."

I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder as he laughed at me. We were sitting in momentary silence until we heard loud gunshots at our windows. We dropped on the ground to avoid the shattering glass. I grabbed my gun and quickly eyed up who was there. As i aimed my gun, i saw a rock being thrown into the window with a letter taped to it.

Meet me on the roof, NOW. From the Head of the R.O. Mafia

Max and i quickly ran up the stairs to the rooftop. I kept my gun up and Max went out first. As i saw the man i almost shot him, until i saw the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. Her blue eyes covered by her messy hair in her face. But then i saw how he was holding her by the neck and i quickly scanned over her body to see if i could find any cuts. Her leather pants looked perfectly fine and hugged every curve that body had, and damn she had a lot of curves. Her lace shirt was pulled down so the tops of her breasts were emerged. She was perfect, not a scratch. But then i looked at the ground to the blood dripped and realized she had a large cut on her forearm. The woman kicked and screamed and at one point bit him. When she bit him, she was immediately thrown to the side of the rooftop. She let her limp body collapse on the ground and i started to run towards her.

"Not so fast, Beck."

My hand had just skimmed her bare shoulder when i turned around. Thrown back into the moment that was occurring and realizing that this beautiful woman could be a trap or a diversion. I quickly ushered myself away from her and back to Max's side. Max looked me in the eyes almost as if he was making fun of me. The woman got her mouth out of the tie and started to say something when the gun fired at her side, barely missing her. She glared at him momentarily but then began to speak again. She seemed to be spunky, and have an attitude.

"I dont know what the hell is going on, right now, but as far as I'm concerned u all can go fuck yourselves. So someone explain to me why the hell I'm here or i'm gonna be kicking some mens asses, right now."
"Sweetheart, thats adorable. You, kick our asses? Im the head of the R.O. Mafia. Try me honey bun. I could make your life a living hell... and worse then what i did last night"
"Well i'm not exactly scared of you, simply by the fact that your so scared to attack these men without having an advantage on your side to where they couldn't shoot you. Hence, why i'm here. I didn't need you to explain to me. Just wanted to see you confess that your a pussy."

My mind went wondering to what he could've done to this gorgeous, spunky woman and it made me furious thinking of the possibilities. I was stuck in my thoughts till Max smirked and smacked my arm. I look at the girl as she bounced over to the man and bit his neck. He screamed in pain and slapped her right across the face. She flew onto the ground and her head came crashing down with a loud bang. When she looked up, she had blood dripped down from the large scratch on her head. Moments before he kicked her, she untied her hands with a knife she had grabbed, and leaned forward and stabbed his leg. He yelped out in pain and came crashing to the ground. She untied her ankle and ran as far as she could without looking back.
Max and i took a momentary glance towards each other as we chased the gorgeous woman. After hours of searching, though, she was no where to be found so we took the assumption she got out. But she should hopefully be at my party next week and i will not stop until i find her.

Mafia Don vs CEO girlWhere stories live. Discover now