Chapter 45 - The Chaotic Holidays

Start from the beginning

"You're brilliant."

"That's- That's not me. That's Hermione."

"No, Y/n, you are brilliant." Y/n flushed under Harry's intense gaze. She coughed as she changed the subject. "I wasn't lying, Frizz really did miss you. Actually Harry, if you wouldn't mind..."


Y/n forgot how chaotic her brothers were. And combined with the Weasleys, holidays at the Wayne Manor were no longer so dull. The Christmas tree had fallen at least a dozen times before being secured with both magic and duct tape. They were even able to have a full Quidditch game, of course, the Wayne brothers having to switch back on and off to allow the brooms to charge with magic again.



"That was an antique!"

"Sorry Alfred!" yelled Dick as he ran.

"Sorry! Reparo!" Ron apologized quickly as he too ran past.

"What are these kids even playing?"

Following them was Jason, who answered Alfred's question, "Tag Hide and Seek. They're running from me."

Jason suddenly paused as he saw a pair of feet hiding behind some curtains. "And I'm just about to tag my next victim..."

Quickly pulling back the curtains, Jason was met with a pink explosion, covering his face in makeup. He could hear the laughter of one of the Weasley Twins from afar. Damn it, another prank trap.

Meanwhile the adults were all conversing with each other in the garden. Bruce, of course, being curious about the magical world asked all questions that he had, unfiltered as Molly Weasley was kind enough to answer any of them. Occasionally, Remus would step in with input about education, Mr. Weasley with the Minister of Magic, and Sirius with Azkaban and Harry's parents.

For some time they also discussed Y/n's grandparents and parents. Although they all looked quite grim speaking about them.

"It's quite unfortunate really, her parents being in a similar situation as the Longbottoms."

A figure froze in his place against a wall. Damian paused from his hiding spot, listening intently to the conversation.

"Oh yes, I made a small detour to visit them on our way to visit you in St Mungo's Hospital, Arthur. The kids didn't realize, I'm certain." Molly hummed, looking into the tea given to her.

"I also paid them a visit a few weeks ago," Remus commented before turning to Bruce who was curious. "Like our friends, the Longbottoms, Y/n parents were tortured to insanity during a vital mission to retrieve the Potter's Secret Keeper."

At Bruce and Alfred's confused faces, Sirius elaborated, "Our once friend, Peter Pettigrew, was made Secret Keeper to the location of the Potter's household. It was placed under the Fidelius Charm, quite a powerful charm that hides information, places, people, and can only be broken by a chosen Secret Keeper when they decide to speak about it.

The Potters never should have been found that day- If that rat never betrayed us Lily and James-"

"Sirius." Remus grabbed his clenched fist, calming Sirius who apologized. Remus continued, "We had heard Peter had gone missing in a location that was last seen by death eaters reported by another friend of ours, Fer (pronounced Fher)."

Bruce perked up, "Is Fer also Y/n's godfather?"

Sirius nodded, "Yes, he's gone now though, couldn't get over the depression, especially after losing his daughter."

"At least they're together now," Molly smiled wistfully, "Jacaria was always so lovely. She and Y/n were the best of friends when they were younger! She was so sad when she died, always talking about all the things they would have done together at Hogwarts." her eyes widened, "Oh sorry, that got off track there."

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